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st: London users' meeting

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: London users' meeting
Date   Mon, 14 Aug 2006 15:56:05 +0100

The next Stata users' meeting will be held
at City University, London, on 11th and 12th

The full programme is accessible at

revealing two full days of talks including 
expository tutorials by David Drukker
and Vince Wiggins of StataCorp. 

Abstracts of the individual talks are accessible at

and a booking form is at

which intending attendees should complete by 6 September. Any
logistic enquiries should be directed at Timberlake, the local
organisers. The scientific organisers of the meeting are 
Patrick Royston and myself. 

I rummaged in the archives and can tell those interested 
in vital Stata trivia that this London meeting will be the 30th users' 
meeting to be held. Previous meetings were held at 

      place |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
     London |         11       37.93       37.93
     Boston |          5       17.24       55.17
     Berlin |          3       10.34       65.52
   Adelaide |          1        3.45       68.97
    C�rdoba |          1        3.45       72.41
     Dublin |          1        3.45       75.86
 Maastricht |          1        3.45       79.31
     Madrid |          1        3.45       82.76
   Mannheim |          1        3.45       86.21
     Milano |          1        3.45       89.66
       Roma |          1        3.45       93.10
  Stockholm |          1        3.45       96.55
    Utrecht |          1        3.45      100.00
      Total |         29      100.00

Other meetings scheduled for the rest of 2006
are in Melbourne and Roma (Rome). See for links to 


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