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st: Re: Calculating and storing distances
The previous code I submitted works fine for a limited number of
observations. If there are more than 80 locations it will not work
whereas the following will:
foreach var in id lat lon {
gen `var'2=.
save main, replace
qui desc
local max=r(N)
forvalues k=1(1)`max' {
use main, clear
replace id2=id[`k']
foreach var in lat lon {
replace `var'2=.
replace `var'2=`var' if id==id2
sort id2 `var'2
replace `var'2 = `var'2[1]
save tmp`k', replace
forvalues k=1(1)`max' {
use main, clear
append using tmp`k'
save main, replace
erase tmp`k'.dta
drop if id2==.
Evan Roberts
Evan Roberts
Minnesota Population Center and Department of History
University of Minnesota
<[email protected]>
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