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Re: st: RE: Power Point Presentation with Stata

From   Marcello Pagano <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Power Point Presentation with Stata
Date   Wed, 02 Aug 2006 06:53:39 -0400

I add that the correlation between the quality of presentation and
clunkiness, if you will, of presentation was pretty low, in my opinion.


Nick Cox wrote:

The answer is No in my case. I imagine that what you want is a simple .gif with "Stata" in the Stata font.
b. water raised the legal issue. My understanding is
that a registered trademark should strictly be acknowledged as such. Nevertheless I imagine that StataCorp would be pleased at whatever publicity you want to give their product in your community, and displeased only if you are pirating their product or implying that you represent them or that they are responsible for what you say. Presumably there is no question of any of these.
People interested in this issue may be interested in the following detail. During the recent Boston users' meeting I kept a rough tally of how presentations
had been produced. A clear majority had used some kind of LaTeX package and were showing it using Adobe Acrobat. A smaller group were using PowerPoint. One awkward character was using Stata only, SMCL files for text
and .gph files for graphs. This seems about par for
the course for recent users' meetings. Until quite
recently some presenters were using acetate foils for overhead projectors, the last known such cases
being William Gould and myself.
Nick [email protected]
Raphael Fraser

Does any one have any power point slides with the Stata logo in the
background that you would like to share?

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