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Re: st: file size problems
Thanks for the link, which answers my question #2. Here's hoping for a
robust 64-bit XP some day (how I miss Linux...).
Nuno Soares wrote:
Try reading the link http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/win/winmemory.html
for eventual reasons for this behaviour... However, I have a system with
1.5gb, winxp, and Stata mem defined to 900m and it loads a file with 680mb
with no problems at all (it has 3400000 observations and 57 vars).
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jeph Herrin
Sent: 20 August 2006 16:50
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: file size problems
Sorry, perhaps I should have been more clear. I have 3 distinct questions:
1) Why does a 500mb file require 800mb of Stata memory?
2) How to get around "op. sys. refuses to supply memory" error
when using -set mem 1000m- in winxp (when xp should be able
to access at least 2.5gb, and no other apps are running)?
3) How to drop observations once the file is in memory, when
-keep if mycondition- gives a "no room to add more obs" error
(and there is no way to increase memory)?
b. water wrote:
how about using the set memory to increase Stata memory allocation? have
you tried this?
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 19:36:48 -0400
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: file size problems
I'm using Stata 9.2 on WinXP (SP2), updated.
I have a file which is 500mb, but when I load it into Stata, it
requires 825mb. That doesn't seem right:
. dir first.dta
500.7M 8/19/06 18:33 first.dta
. u first.dta, clear
. d
Contains data from first.dta
obs: 75,006,197
vars: 3 19 Aug 2006 18:33
size: 825,068,167 (12.6% of memory free)
This is a problem, because WinXp will only allocate 900mb to Stata
(anyone know how to change this? the machine has 4gb). The first
thing I want to do when I load this file is:
. keep if month<mdy(1,1,2000)
no room to add more variables due to width
An attempt was made to add a variable that would have increased
the memory required to store an observation beyond
what is currently possible. You have the following alternatives:
1. Store existing variables more efficiently; see help compress.
2. Drop some variables or observations; see help drop. (Think
of Stata's data area as the area of a rectangle;
Stata can trade off width and length.)
3. Increase the amount of memory allocated to the data area
using the set memory command; see help memory.
I can't drop any other variables (note that there are only 3). Any
ideas? In particular, is there an alternative to "keep" that doesn't add
a variable?
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