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st: Kdensity and the at option to specify values for estimation

From   "Aim�e R. Dechter" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Kdensity and the at option to specify values for estimation
Date   Sat, 5 Aug 2006 16:22:22 -0500


 I would be grateful information on whether it is possible to use the at()
option with two way kdensity or addplot kdensity? 

 I get the error message that option at() is not allowed. However, the
manual indicates that the at(var) option allows one to more easily obtain
density estimates for different subsamples of a variable and then overlay
the estimated densities for comparison.  You can see below that the n()
command works but the at() command does not, and I checked that the
variable I created with the points is above the minimum and below the
maximum of my measure that I would like to plot. I would be grateful for
confirmation that the a() does not in fact work with these commands or
that I am making an error of some sort.

. twoway (kdensity cmeasurem if cohab==0, at(npointsm)) (kdensity
cmeasurem if 
> cohab==1, at(npointsm))
option at() not allowed
invalid syntax

. twoway (kdensity cmeasurem if cohab==0, n(3000)) (kdensity cmeasurem if
> ==1, n(3000))

. kdensity cmeasurem if cohab==0, at(npointsm) addplot( kdensity cmeasurem
if c
> ohab==1, at(npointsm))
option at() not allowed
invalid syntax

. kdensity cmeasurem if cohab==0, n(3000) addplot( kdensity cmeasurem if
> =1, n(3000))

Thank you very much for taking the time to help me with this.

Aim�e Dechter

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