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st: fracplot for gamma glm

From   Keith Dear <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: fracplot for gamma glm
Date   Fri, 11 Aug 2006 12:47:07 +1000

Fracplot "plots the data and fit, with 95% confidence limits, from the most recently fitted fractional polynomial model."

I am using gamma regression with identity link, and what it plots as "data" is
yv = etahat + dr
(I am omitting lots of macro quotes here), where
dr = sign(y-mu)*sqrt(drsq)
and the squared deviance residuals are
drsq = -2*(ln(y/mu) - (y-mu)/mu)

I am puzzled because then dr is dimensionless, whereas I would like it to be in Y units, as etahat is (identity link, remember). I am getting plots with "data" much too close to the fitted curve, because my mu>>1. How can I fix this and get plots that look like the data?

An alternative (in my particular case) would be to plot
yv = mu + mu*dr
I can force this by tinkering inside the ado files, but is there a better, and more general, way? And does "mu*dr" have a name?


Dr Keith B.G. Dear
Senior Fellow in Biostatistics
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia
Tel: 02 612 54865, Fax: 02 612 50740
CRICOS provider #00120C

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