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RE: st: RE: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest

From   "Rodrigo Martell" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
Date   Fri, 25 Aug 2006 09:54:53 +1000


I had the same problem with my Stata 9 a few days ago. I was trying to download the -kpss- package. I closed Stata and started it again and it seemed to fix the problem. Strange. Does anyone know what may be going on?


Rodrigo Martell

Frontier Economics Pty. Ltd.
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-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Friday, 25 August 2006 9:48 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: RE: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest


Thanks for the suggestions re downloading stuff from your website. I 
actually tried to access using the -net- command in stata and came 
across a small glitch in the links. After the command -net from the user is presented with 
seven highlighted web links (stata5-stata9 papers usergp) and clicking 
on anyone of them takes you to the appropriate place to download the 
files. However, if you try and then go to any of the other links, stata 
seems to remember the previous file path and just adds the new final 
destination folder to end. For example, if I go to the papers link first 
(no problems) followed by the usergp link, you get the following error:

file not 
found either
  1)  is not a valid URL, or
  2)  could not be contacted, or
  3)  is not a Stata download site (has no stata.toc file).

I tested it for a few different combinations (stata9 then papers, papers 
then stata9, usergp then stata9) after restarting Stata and each time it 
would allow me to go to the first link but then error on second, and the 
error message would be similar to the above with the first link folder 
somehow embedded in the filepath.

I have now resorted to accessing the files directly with my browser but 
thought you would want to know about the glitch.


Newson, Roger B wrote:

>Nick Cox wrote:
>**** Beginning of quote
>In the case of t tests, a work-around is obtained
>by noting that the results of 
>regress <response> <binary variable>
>are equivalent to 
>ttest <response>, by(<binary variable>) 
>so that -outreg- or -estout- (which I think 
>you mean here rather than -estimates-) can then be 
>*** End of quote
>This is the case if the user wanted an equal-variance t-test. However,
>if the user wanted an unequal-variance t-test (complete with
>Satterthwaite corrected degrees of freedom), then the results are not
>quite equivalent.
>It is possible to do unequal-variance t-tests with Satterthwaite degrees
>of freedom, saving the results, using -regress-, -parmby- and
>-metaparm-. For instance, in the -auto- data, the user can type
>. sysuse auto, clear
>. parmby "regress weight", by(foreign) norestore
>. gene byte iwt=!foreign-foreign
>. tempfile tf1
>. metaparm [iwei=iwt] , saving(`tf1', replace)
>. append using `tf1'
>. list
>This replaces the -auto- data in memory with a new dataset (or
>resultsset), with 1 observation for each of 3 parameters (the mean
>weight for US cars, the mean weight for non-US cars, and the difference
>between those 2 means), and variables storing the estimates, degrees of
>freedom, confidence limits and P-values for these parameters. Such a
>dataset can then be processed further to produce an output table,
>possibly using the -listtex- package.
>The packages -listtex-, -metaparm- and -parmest- (which includes
>-parmby-) are all downloadable from SSC. So are a lot of other packages
>which the user can use to generate plots and tables in Stata, using
>output datasets (or resultssets). More about how to use these packages
>can be found in Newson (2003) and in the Stata User Meeting
>presentations of Newson (2002), Newson (2004), Newson (2005) and Newson
>(2006), all of which can be downloaded from ny website at
>using either a browser or the -net- command in Stata.
>I hope this helps.
>Creating plots and tables of estimation results using parmest and
>friends. Presented at the 8th UK Stata User Meeting, 20-21 May, 2002.
>Newson R. Confidence intervals and p-values for delivery to the end
>user. The Stata Journal 2003; 3(3): 245-269.
>Newson R. From datasets to resultssets in Stata. Presented at the 10th
>UK Stata User Meeting, 28-29 June, 2004.
>Newson R. Generalized confidence interval plots using commands or
>dialogs. Presented at the 11th UK Stata User Meeting, 17-18 May, 2005.
>Newson R. Resultssets, resultsspreadsheets and resultsplots in Stata.
>Presented at the 4th German Stata User Meeting, 31 March, 2006.
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Michael Alexander
Principal Research Fellow
Australian Institute of Family Studies

300 Queen Street 
Melbourne VIC 3000

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