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st: RE: scaling factor in stata

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: scaling factor in stata
Date   Sun, 20 Aug 2006 18:03:39 +0100

No one answered your previous message and no-one 
has yet answered this one. I guess that the 
reasons are that no-one recognises what 
a "scaling factor score" is. 

In general, official Stata is somewhat leery 
of semi-statistical figures of merit, which 
is what I guess this beast to be. 

If you provide a precise definition, one or
more things may become clearer: 

1. No one has yet programmed this. 

2. It has been programmed, under a different

3. It can be calculated readily: you 
just need to write some code to do it. 

[email protected] 

David Maimon

> I am trying to estimate a tobit model and for some reason i 
> cant figure
> out how to get stata to provide the scaling factor score. As 
> you can see
> below, i use "fitstat" to get some important fit measures yet 
> the program
> doesnt report the scaling factor score. Could someone help with this?

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