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st: "out of the office"

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: "out of the office"
Date   Thu, 17 Aug 2006 20:42:04 +0100

Just a reminder that -- unless you are Kit Baum 
providing information for those wishing to post 
to SSC -- "out of the office", "au�er Haus", 
etc. are not suitable subjects for Statalist 


2.9 When you go on vacation

Please unsubscribe when you go on vacation. Either your 
mail file may fill up, or your message telling the list 
you are on vacation will be broadcast. Both cause problems. 

Some people use MS Outlook's Out-of-Office Assistant when 
they go on vacation. Such replies to Statalist are an abuse 
of the list and an irritation to members. It is possible to 
make use of the Out-of-Office Assistant and also not to 
send Out-of-Office replies to lists like Statalist. Please 

Of course, you could also stay subscribed or switch to 
the digest. That's your decision. But anyone sending
these messages tends to get unsubscribed promptly by Marcello
Pagano, anyway, so be warned. 

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