Thanks! For some reason, when I put quotation marks around $base I get the error message
"var1 var2 var3 var4 invalid name
But when I put nothing around $base, everything works fine. And this holds if I use multiple global macros. For example, the following works:
tabstat $base $ace $case, by(person) stats(n mean median cv)
Thanks again!
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 19:44:15 +0200
From: Philipp Rehm <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: st: How to make macro variables last an entire session?
- -global- may be what you are looking for. See "help global"
global base "lncgdp s n popuned popprimed popseced pophighed openc"
regress "$base"
[email protected] wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone knows how to define or save macro variables so they last for an entire stata session and not just while the do-file is running. I've been defining macro variables as is below with the local command where the command `base' substitutes for all the variables in quotes below for example. But if I run the local command, and then later highlight some line of code with `base' and "do" it, then Stata no longer associates `base' with the set of variables. Anyone know any ways around this problem? I've tried saving using global macros and that doesn't seem to help.
> local base "lncgdp s n popuned popprimed popseced pophighed openc"
> regress `base'
> Thanks,
> Ross
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