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st: stset with spell data

From   "CINGANO FEDERICO" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: stset with spell data
Date   Mon, 14 Aug 2006 10:05:57 +0200

Hi, I am working with (unemployment) spell data. Spells originate at
different points in time during 1980-90 when my individuals can get
displaced. Follow up period is end of 1995. Some observations are therefore
right censored (i.e. never re-enter). I think this setting is called
"calendar date censoring". Spells are in months
My questions are on how to stset these data:
1. Right now I am just setting "stset spell, failure(NotCensored)" but I am
uncertain whether I should instead use the "origin", "entry" and "exit"
options (given the spells originate at different points in time).
2. I think I have to attribute a spell to right censored observations. Shall
this correspond to the maximum follow-up period (i.e. 192 (16*12) months for
displaced on Jan 1980 and 72 months (6*12) if displaced on Jan 1990)?. It
does not seem to matter whether I instead arbitrarily attribute them an
arbitrarily high number (say 20000 months).
3. I used stcox on 10000 such observations (with 1000 dummies) and received
the following warining "Need to impose epsilon duration to those re-entering
same months, otherwise stcox drops them". Does this depend on the fact that
individuals with same value of a dummy may all re-enter the same month? It
does not warn me if I do NOT use the dummies.
Any help on the points above would be appreciated. Thanks

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