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st: RE: median

From   "philippe van kerm" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: median
Date   Fri, 11 Aug 2006 15:54:33 +0200

>I'd like to calculate how many observations in each cohort are above
the total median value of a variable. Does anyone know if there is an
easy way to do that without having to calculate the median first and
include the value in each following calculation? I couldn't find
anything in the help files. Thank you

It is difficult to answer without information about how your data are
set up. I doubt there is any one-line command to do that. But it seems
like a straightforward operation, however:

summarize X , detail
gen abovemedian = X > r(p50)  if !missing(X)
tab COHORT abovemedian

(assuming X is your variable about which you compute the median and
COHORT is a categorical variable indicating to which cohort an
observation belongs to)


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