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st: Re: Adjusted R2 using IVREG2
"Heather Milkiewicz" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: Re: Adjusted R2 using IVREG2
Fri, 18 Aug 2006 11:48:59 -0400
see a list of possible results that STATA saves in e(). I was
searching for a way to see these results, and noticed you mentioned to
someone that STATA saves these values in a Macro. I do not know how to
access these results/macro however.
Using IVREG, after running the regression I can use the following command, outreg using table4b.xls, nolabel replace bdec(2) se adjr2, to get the results with adjusted R2 in a table, but I cannot figure out how to do it for the IVREG2, GMM command.
If you could let me know how to view the adjusted R2 results, and possibly a command to transfer them into a table, that would be great.
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