Heather Milkiewicz wrote:
> Using IVREG, after running the regression I can use the following
> command, outreg using table4b.xls, nolabel replace bdec(2) se adjr2, to
> get the results with adjusted R2 in a table, but I cannot figure out how
> to do it for the IVREG2, GMM command.
> If you could let me know how to view the adjusted R2 results, and
> possibly a command to transfer them into a table, that would be great.
Allow me to be blunt, Heather, but frankly, stuff -outreg-! Use Ben Jann's
far superior -estout- (downloadable from -ssc-) and you'll obtain exactly
what you need (and more, if needed).
Adapting from the example given along the bottom of -whelp ivreg2-:
. clear
. use http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/macro/abdata.dta
. ivreg2 n (w k ys = d.w d.k d.ys d2.w d2.k d2.ys), gmm cluster(id)
GMM estimation
Number of clusters (id) = 140 Number of obs = 751
F( 3, 139) = 61.06
Prob > F = 0.0000
Total (centered) SS = 1350.891752 Centered R2 = 0.8255
Total (uncentered) SS = 2122.555626 Uncentered R2 = 0.8890
Residual SS = 235.6866628 Root MSE = .5602
| Robust
n | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
w | -.3349211 .2904668 -1.15 0.249 -.9042255 .2343834
k | .7156264 .0863561 8.29 0.000 .5463715 .8848813
ys | -.0538032 .4875811 -0.11 0.912 -1.009445 .9018382
_cons | 2.69377 3.041579 0.89 0.376 -3.267615 8.655155
Anderson canon. corr. LR statistic (identification/IV relevance test): 9.839
Chi-sq(4) P-val = 0.0432
Hansen J statistic (overidentification test of all instruments): 7.540
Chi-sq(3) P-val = 0.0565
Instrumented: w k ys
Excluded instruments: D.w D.k D.ys D2.w D2.k D2.ys
. est store model
. estout model, stats(F r2_a N) cells(b(star fmt(%9.2f)) t(par))
varwidth(50) modelwidth(10)
w -0.33
k 0.72***
ys -0.05
_cons 2.69
F 61.06
r2_a 0.82
Hope this helps.
CLIVE NICHOLAS |t: 0(044)7903 397793
Politics |e: clive.nicholas@ncl.ac.uk
Newcastle University |http://www.ncl.ac.uk/geps
Whereever you go and whatever you do, just remember this. No matter how
many like you, admire you, love you or adore you, the number of people
turning up to your funeral will be largely determined by local weather
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