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Re: st: looping over all files in a folder

From   "Radu Ban" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: looping over all files in a folder
Date   Tue, 22 Aug 2006 19:01:32 -0400

Thanks a lot for these replies. They solved the problem quicky!


2006/8/22, Nick Cox <[email protected]>:
You certainly should not be copying and pasting
stuff to do this.

Dimitriy Masterov already drew attention
to the extended macro function -: dir-
for this.

In addition, -fs- from SSC puts filenames in a macro.
It is a wrapper for that e.m.f.

-fs- was named by analogy with -ds-. In
each case, the obvious output is a compact
list in the Results window, but the really
useful output is the macro left in memory.


cd /mydir/interestingstuff
qui fs *
foreach f in `r(files)' {

 [email protected]

Radu Ban

> I want to read into Stata a bunch of text files, that are all sitting
> in the same folder. I've written a do-file that does the reading in
> part, but now I'm looking for a way to loop this do-file over all the
> files in the folder.
> I have seen the -dir- command which gives me a list of all the files
> in the folder, but after that I'm pretty much stuck. I think I can
> copy and paste this list into my editor and then play with it but it
> seems like a very inefficient method. Especially if new files are
> added into the folder at a later time.

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