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st: label / macro problem

From   Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: label / macro problem
Date   Fri, 11 Aug 2006 19:32:23 -0400

I'm using 9.2, latest update.

My programming problem is to combine a large number of large files;
approximately 84 files of 500k obs each. I only need three variables
from these files, but one of them, -mystring- is str64, which means that
as is, I can't combine these files via appending because my RAM (4GB)
runs out.

However, -mystring- only takes about 5500k different values. So
the solution I am using is to open each file, encode(mystring), save
the label, and then append all prior opened files. The values of
-mystring- are not constant over all the files - new values are added
over time, so I have to update the value labels each time I add a file.
My code looks like this :

u file1, clear
encode mystring, gen(myint)
local myintlab : value label myint
save temp, replace
foreach F of numlist 2/84 {
	u file`F', clear
	keep ID mystring
	encode mystring, gen(myint) label("`myintlab'")
	local myintlab : value label myint
	append using temp
	save temp, replace

This seems to work fine until a point. But after about 30 files,
*something* runs out of space, and the value label ceases to be
updated with new values; -myint- simply holds integers with no
corresponding labels. Now, I understand that 64k value label
values should be allowed, so I don't see a problem there. And
-myintlab- is just a macro holding the name of the set of value
labels. So what else could be going wrong? Or, is there another
way to do this?

NB: The close reader will note that I mention 3 variables in the preamble
but only have two in my code fragment. In fact, I *also* encode a
second string variable; it takes many fewer values, however, and
turns out fine in the end.

In particular, I would appreciate any tips on how to debug what
is happening.


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