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st: mlogit, bootstrap, mfx: "no observations"
Dear all,
I have cross-sectional data and run a multinomial logit model for a dependent var with 4 categories (by gender). Following the model, I calculate marginal effects for a subset of covariates.
I have to bootstrap the standard errors and here's where my problem comes in: Without the bootstrap option, everything runs fine. Bootstrapping the s.e. also works fine - without marginal effects. Everything together however generates the following error message:
no observations
Here's the relevant part of my code:
foreach c of local foo {;
mlogit yvar `xvars' `c' if male==0, vce(bootstrap, reps(100) seed(123));
mfx , predict(p outcome(1)) var(`c');
mfx , predict(p outcome(2)) var(`c');
mfx , predict(p outcome(3)) var(`c');
mfx , predict(p outcome(4)) var(`c');
Any ideas on what I am missing here? Thanks for any helpful suggestions.
Guido Heineck
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Department of Economics
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90403 Nuremberg
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