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Re: st: Integrating Stata and external text editors

From   Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Integrating Stata and external text editors
Date   Thu, 31 Aug 2006 09:20:31 -0700 (PDT)

On August 30, Jeff Arnold and Ari Friedman sent messages to Statalist
that referred to AutoIt scripts for integrating Stata and external
text editors at my web site:

With the scripts it is possible to use an external text editor
similar to the Do-file Editor that is part of Stata, so that
individual commands and entire do-files can be executed directly from
the editor. Ari showed how the scripts can be used with SciTE. Jeff
modified the original scripts by adding new functions and showed how
they can be used with gVim. In addition, I received a private message
from Keith Kranker who made a web page that explains how to run Stata
commands from Notepad++.

I added links to these and other adaptations of the original scripts
to my web site in a section called "Supported editors".  So far,
these editors are listed:

- EmEditor
- Hidemaru
- jEdit
- Notepad++
- SciTE
- TextPad
- Vim, gVim
- WinEdt

If you are using the scripts with another editor, please send a
message to Statalist explaining how this can be done. Better yet,
send a link to a web site that shows the code. I will then link to
your web site or to your message in the Statalist archive from my
site. I would also like to hear from list members who use the
original scripts without modification with an editor not listed
above. My goal is to provide a comprehensive list of text editors
that can be integrated with Stata with the help of the AutoIt
scripts. Many thanks for your contributions.

The guide to integrating Stata with external text editors was
originally part of the text editors FAQ maintained by Nick Cox
( To keep the
FAQ as short as possible and to make it easier to provide updates to
the guide, Nick and I agreed to reduce the section in the FAQ to a
few paragraphs and to refer to my web site for the AutoIt scripts and
for more detailed instructions.

Friedrich Huebler

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