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st: choosing between ssc and sj for ado-files

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: choosing between ssc and sj for ado-files
Date   Thu, 31 Aug 2006 21:35:48 -0400

Michael said

I am interested in installing the -freduse- command that was just
announced in SJ 6-3. (This command allows one to load macroeconomic
data directly into Stata from the Federal Reserve Economic Database
(FRED) at the St. Louis Fed.) -findit freduse- returns two sources
for the corresponding package:
Based on this message from Kit Baum,


do I understand correctly that installing from SSC (that is, RePEc)
is preferable if a package is updated more frequently than once a
quarter and one plans to use -adoupdate- to manage installed
packages? Thanks for any clarification on this question.

freduse has just been placed on the SJ site with the publication of an article about it in SJ 6:3. The two versions are identical. Note that -adoupdate- will update both SSC and SJ/STB downloads (as well as other user-written materials if their own sites contain the necessary information in their package files).

HOWEVER there is no way for -adoupdate- to know that the two packages are essentially identical; so if you install the SJ package, only an update to the SJ package (via a Software Update in a future issue) will show up in -adoupdate-. If an updated version appears first on SSC, -adoupdate- will find it if and only if you have installed the SSC version of the package.

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

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