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st: exceeded memory limit

From   "b. water" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: exceeded memory limit
Date   Wed, 16 Aug 2006 17:44:57 +0000

dear all,

windows xp pro sp2, 512m RAM, Stata 8.2 intercooled,

no. of obs 1575 2 var's: var1 had 2 categories and var2 had 10 categories.

i tried:

.tabulate var1 var2, exact

and get this: 

"i've omitted the tabulation output"

exceeded memory limits using exact(1); try again with larger #; see help tabulate for details

i went up to to exact(30) to try to get the result (each increase took longer and longer time, #=30 took just under 45 mins to complete with nothing else running on the background).

so i set mem 512m and set virtual on but still getting the same error message. i know from eye-balling my data that i think the p-value bound to be <0.05.  

i searched the archive and found one thread on this issue entilted 'slow stata' but the poster managed to sort it out by updating his stata 8.2. in the same posting richard williams suggested combining some categories, which is not applicable in my case. i have also read stata's kevin turner's posting regarding wxp pro SP2 problem with large datasets of > 1Gb but mine is nowhere near that.

after the above and before posting this i tried exact(50) and got this message after nearly 90 mins:

op. sys. refuses to provide memory

i am just wondering whether anyone can advise me on how to overcome these errors? also, roughly how does one gauge how high # in exact(#) one should go to tackle problem at hand?

thank you for all your help,

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