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st: using lags within -xi-
I've a panel with 20 years. I want to estimate a dynamic model with
fixed effects, and thought I could just use the L.depvar operator
within -xtreg-, but I'm not having much luck. The -xi- manual
("Cross-Sectional Time Series") is not all that helpful under -xtreg-
on including lags, making me wonder if it is not within -xtreg- where
you implement lags. I tried generating, but that's not
straightforward either, as I appear to be only successful at lagging
across cross-sectional observations (-gen lm1=mir[_n-1]- will, I
think, not lag by year, but by cross-sectional observation, and Stata
doesn't recognize [_t-1]). I tried using the L.vbl and L2.vbl, but
it keeps telling me my data is not sorted, which subsequent sorting
along various lines (sort year, sort variable year, sort year
variable - none work).
I only have three help volumes here with me at work - Stata 8 -xi-,
Reference A-F, and Graphics. The program I'm running is Stata 9.2,
but my manuals are all Stata 8.
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