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st: How to find out if there are different variables in different wavesof survey data

From   "Sam Rawlings, Social Sciences and Law 03" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: How to find out if there are different variables in different wavesof survey data
Date   Tue, 22 Aug 2006 10:40:12 +0100

Dear Statalisters,

I have data on the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) for India for two waves of the survey - 92-93 and 98-99. The data I have is pooled for these two waves and I have a dummy variable for each survey (named NFHS92 and NFHS98) where the dummy var = 1 if the observation came from that wave and = 0 if it did not (i.e. NFHS92 is the dummy for the 92 survey, and all obs which are from 1992 have NFHS92=1).

My question is this: I would like to know if there are some variables which are present in one survey but not the other - and am wondering whether there is a way this could be done in Stata.

Currently I am just describing the data by the group NFHS92 - this results in a (very) lengthy list of vars and I am looking for cases where N=0 as indication that that variable is not present in a particular wave of the survey. Is there an easier, or perhaps more sophisticated way to do this, with less output?

Any help would be appreciated,

Sam Rawlings

SB Rawlings, Social Sciences and Law 03
[email protected]
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