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st: Buying STATA secondhand

From   "Joseph McDonnell" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Buying STATA secondhand
Date   Sun, 06 Aug 2006 19:36:45 +0200


Four years ago, I started work with my (now) former employer. At my request, they bought STATA 7 Intercooled for me. This has since been updated to STATA 9 SE. Both versions came with a complete set of documentation. I will soon be moving to a new position. My future employer also has a STATA licence so I will still have access to the software.

The sad part is that now that I've left my former employer, the software there will simply not be used (SPSS is the norm there). I thought of offering to buy the software and (particularly) the documentation. So, I have a couple of questions...

1) is it legal for my former employer to sell the software onto me?

2) if I DON'T buy the software, am I limited in my use of the software (as covered by my future employer) particularly in terms of projects which have no connection with my future employer? More specifically, I'll be working for my former employer on a freelance basis, but 'using' the licence of my future employer. I'll also be taking on some freelance work connected with neither employer.

To the best of my knowledge, both employers have bog standard contracts with StataCorp (1-user standalone (former employer), multiple user/network (future)).

Many thanks for your input.



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