Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Thu Apr 30 19:50:28 2009)
- Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- RE: st: [Fwd: Heteroskedastic probit]
- st: Calculate beta values for mim results
- st: Re: st: [iso-8859-1] Fisher´s exact test for rxc tables: one-tailed or two-ta iled[iso-8859-1] ?
- st: R: permute test statistic
- Re: st: possible to use sub-script in Graph title?
- RE: st: possible to use sub-script in Graph title?
- st: RE: permute test statistic
- RE: st: [Fwd: Heteroskedastic probit]
- Re: st: possible to use sub-script in Graph title?
- st: possible to use sub-script in Graph title?
- Re: st: [Fwd: Heteroskedastic probit]
- st: [Fwd: Heteroskedastic probit]
- Re: st: Heteroskedastic probit
- Re: st: Heteroskedastic probit
- st: Heteroskedastic probit
- st: AW: Creating a variable: from monthly to annual
- Re: st: AW: Creating a variable: from monthly to annual
- st: AW: generating variables conditional on others (again..)
- st: RE: generating variables conditional on others (again..)
- st: RE: AW: Creating a variable: from monthly to annual
- st: AW: nharvey with no critical value
- st: nharvey with no critical value
- st: RE: Creating a variable: from monthly to annual
- st: AW: Creating a variable: from monthly to annual
- Re: st: [iso-8859-1] Fisher´s exact test for rxc tables: one-tailed or two-ta iled[iso-8859-1] ?
- st: generating variables conditional on others (again..)
- Re: st: [iso-8859-1] Fisher´s exact test for rxc tables: one-tailed or two-ta iled[iso-8859-1] ?
- st: RE: Non-existent variable value label that I can't get rid of
- st: Creating a variable: from monthly to annual
- RE: st: Non-existent variable value label that I can't get rid of
- Re: st: Non-existent variable value label that I can't get rid of
- st: [iso-8859-1] Fisher�s exact test for rxc tables: one-tailed or two-ta iled[iso-8859-1] ?
- st: Non-existent variable value label that I can't get rid of
- st: Re: temporal disaggregation - NOW -denton-
- RE: st: Db with an ado
- Re: st: Sequential regression run for imputed data
- st: R: permute test statistic
- st: Static vs dynamic panel GMM
- st: permute test statistic
- st: AW: AW: use of histogram option
- st: AW: use of histogram option
- Re: st: Problems integrating JEdit and STATA using Windows Vista
- Re: st: Sequential regression run for imputed data
- st: re: Discrete endogenous variables in 2SLS?
- st: Sequential regression run for imputed data
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: use of histogram option
- st: RE: RE: RE: use of histogram option
- RE: st: AW: Merging database
- AW: st: AW: Merging database
- st: RE: RE: use of histogram option
- Re: st: AW: Discrete endogenous variables in 2SLS?
- st: AW: use of histogram option
- st: RE: use of histogram option
- st: use of histogram option
- st: AW: Discrete endogenous variables in 2SLS?
- RE: st: AW: Merging database
- Re: st: AW: varlist not allowed in xi3
- Re: st: AW: Merging database
- RE: st: AW: Merging database
- Re: st: AW: Merging database
- RE: st: AW: Merging database
- Re: st: AW: Merging database
- Re: st: RE: svy:tabulate: what to report - design-based test or the Uncorrected chi-square
- Re: st: What to do if interactive fixed effects are huge?
- RE: st: RE: svy:tabulate: what to report - design-based test or the Uncorrected chi-square
- Re: st: RE: svy:tabulate: what to report - design-based test or the Uncorrected chi-square
- RE: st: AW: varlist not allowed in xi3
- re: st: AW: varlist not allowed in xi3
- st: RE: svy:tabulate: what to report - design-based test or the Uncorrected chi-square
- st: svy:tabulate: what to report - design-based test or the Uncorrected chi-square
- RE: st: AW: Merging database
- Re: st: AW: Merging database
- st: Discrete endogenous variables in 2SLS?
- st: RE: re: temporal disaggregation - NOW -denton-
- Re: st: AW: Merging database
- Re: st: What to do if interactive fixed effects are huge?
- st: RE: RE: Merging database
- [no subject]
- st: re: temporal disaggregation - NOW -denton-
- Re: st: RE: Merging database
- st: AW: Merging database
- st: RE: Merging database
- st: Merging database
- Re: st: Db with an ado
- AW: st: Db with an ado
- RE: st: Db with an ado
- Re: st: Db with an ado
- st: Db with an ado
- Re: st: Covariance Matrix transform in MLE estimation
- AW: st: RE: loop and local question with appendmodels
- Re: st: RE: loop and local question with appendmodels
- Protocol [was: RE: st: RE: Negative eigen values in factor, pf command?]
- RE: AW: st: Programming stata using egen functions
- st: RE: loop and local question with appendmodels
- st: Re: denton module to interpolate annual series
- st: loop and local question with appendmodels
- st: Covariance Matrix transform in MLE estimation
- Re: st: sensitivity analysis following xtgee?- thanks
- Re: st: sensitivity analysis following xtgee?
- Re: AW: st: Programming stata using egen functions
- st: denton module to interpolate annual series
- st: Multiple Comparison Tests with Survey Data
- st: sensitivity analysis following xtgee?
- Re: st: RE: Negative eigen values in factor, pf command?
- Re: st: RE: Negative eigen values in factor, pf command?
- Re: st: Re: overid test
- st: Adjusted standard errors
- Re: AW: st: Programming stata using egen functions
- st: RE: Re; Repeated Measures Anova
- RE: st: RE: Negative eigen values in factor, pf command?
- Re: st: RE: Negative eigen values in factor, pf command?
- Re: st: Interpolation
- st: Interpolation
- Re: st: What to do if interactive fixed effects are huge?
- st: new on SSC
- AW: st: Programming stata using egen functions
- RE: st: Programming stata using egen functions
- RE: st: Programming stata using egen functions
- RE: st: Programming stata using egen functions
- Re: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- AW: st: Programming stata using egen functions
- AW: st: Programming stata using egen functions
- Re: st: Programming stata using egen functions
- st: RE: Negative eigen values in factor, pf command?
- Re: st: Programming stata using egen functions
- Re: st: Problems integrating JEdit and STATA using Windows Vista
- st: What to do if interactive fixed effects are huge?
- Re: st: Negative eigen values in factor, pf command?
- Re: st: Programming stata using egen functions
- st: RE: Negative eigen values in factor, pf command?
- Re: st: Negative eigen values in factor, pf command?
- st: RE: Negative eigen values in factor, pf command?
- st: AW: IV Probit - Reply
- st: IV Probit - Reply
- st: Negative eigen values in factor, pf command?
- Re: st: RE: AW: RE: Programming stata using egen functions
- RE: st: re: Programming stata using egen functions
- AW: st: re: Programming stata using egen functions
- RE: st: re: Programming stata using egen functions
- AW: st: re: Programming stata using egen functions
- st: AW: R-squared after -heckman- or -treatreg-
- st: RE: R-squared after -heckman- or -treatreg-
- Re: st: re: Programming stata using egen functions
- st: R-squared after -heckman- or -treatreg-
- st: RE: AW: RE: Programming stata using egen functions
- st: SSC Archive HTML help
- st: AW: RE: Programming stata using egen functions
- st: RE: Programming stata using egen functions
- st: AW: Programming stata using egen functions
- st: defection rate and survival analysis
- Re: st: Efficient way to run regressions with many dummy variables?
- st: 2SLS with ordered logit and discrete endogenous variable
- st: AW: Programming stata using egen functions
- Re: st: comparing loglikelihoods of ols dummy regression model vs random
- AW: st: Re: overid test
- st: re: Programming stata using egen functions
- st: re: overid test
- st: Programming stata using egen functions
- Re: st: Re: overid test
- st: Problems integrating JEdit and STATA using Windows Vista
- Re: st: Re: overid test
- st: Re: overid test
- st: overid test
- st: AW: questions using "margeff"
- Re: st: Efficient way to run regressions with many dummy variables?
- st: Efficient way to run regressions with many dummy variables?
- st: questions using "margeff"
- Re: st: Difference between -suest- and -sureg-
- st: Svy: tab with three variables question
- st: comparing loglikelihoods of ols dummy regression model vs random
- Re: st: AW: Difference between -suest- and -sureg-
- st: AW: Difference between -suest- and -sureg-
- st: Difference between -suest- and -sureg-
- st: comparing loglikelihoods of ols dummy regression model vs random intercept model
- Re: st: Question on a meta-regression problem
- st: AW: RE: bar graph with 2 y-axes
- st: AW: RE: bar graph with 2 y-axes
- st: RE: bar graph with 2 y-axes
- RE: st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- Re: st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- st: AW: bar graph with 2 y-axes
- st: bar graph with 2 y-axes
- st: AW: Root Mean Square Error and Pseudo R square....Please Help
- st: RE: Root Mean Square Error and Pseudo R square....Please Help
- st: Root Mean Square Error and Pseudo R square....Please Help
- st: RE: Estimating Power law distributions
- st: Re; Repeated Measures Anova
- st: Estimating Power law distributions
- st: New versions of -ingap-, -keyby- and -listtex- on SSC
- RE: st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- Re: AW: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- Re: st: SE's on survival estimates from parametric models
- Re: st: Postestimation procedures multiple data sets
- st: AW: Probit Model with Instrumental variables
- Re: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- Re: st: RE: -twoway scatter- different colors for different observations
- Re: st: -ttest- or -prtest-?
- Re: st: -ttest- or -prtest-?
- Re: st: Postestimation procedures multiple data sets
- st: Postestimation procedures multiple data sets
- Re: st: RE: -twoway scatter- different colors for different observations
- st: Probit Model with Instrumental variables
- st: Formatting behavior of -outfile-
- Re: st: RE: -twoway scatter- different colors for different observations
- st: RE: -twoway scatter- different colors for different observations
- Re: st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- st: -twoway scatter- different colors for different observations
- Re: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- Re: st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- Re: st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- RE: st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- Re: st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- RE: st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- Re: st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- RE: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- st: RE: areg question
- Re: st: Automatically generating variable names in mata
- st: recursive analysis of vecm
- st: Weak instruments
- Re: st: Interesting Results - But Am I Right?
- st: Re: Rép. : Re: st: RE: AW: Test of the difference in growth rate of two variables
- many thanks [was: st: shortcut for adjusted means]
- RE: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- st: panel conintegration and negative binomial
- st: Changes in the significance of endogenous variables after fixed effect and system GMM
- FW: Re: st: multilevel analysis
- Re: st: Re: full names on regression output
- Re: st: multilevel analysis
- AW: st: Re: Coding question: transactions panel dataset
- st: AW: Help with Metap command - repeating commands
- Re: st: multilevel analysis
- Re: st: multilevel analysis
- Re: st: multilevel analysis
- st: multilevel analysis
- RE: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- Re: st: sample adjustment by substitution instead of weighting
- Re: st: Automatically generating variable names in mata
- Re: st: Re: Coding question: transactions panel dataset
- st: Help with Metap command - repeating commands
- Re: st: Re: drop command with panel data
- Re: st: Comparing two models
- st: Re: drop command with panel data
- Re: st: sample adjustment by substitution instead of weighting
- st: drop command with panel data
- Re: st: RE: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- Re: st: Re: estimating reg coefficients for subgroups
- st: Re: estimating reg coefficients for subgroups
- st: estimating reg coefficients for subgroups
- Rép. : Re: st: RE: AW: Test of the difference in growth rate of two variables
- Re: st: Comparing two models
- RE: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- RE: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- Re: st: Comparing two models
- st: Comparing two models
- Re: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- RE: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- Re: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- Re: st: -ttest- or -prtest-?
- st: -ttest- or -prtest-?
- st: Re: full names on regression output
- st: full names on regression output
- Re: st: sample adjustment by substitution instead of weighting
- st: Re: Coding question: transactions panel dataset
- Re: AW: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- st: Interesting Results - But Am I Right?
- Re: st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- Re: AW: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- Re: st: use of offset with xtlogit
- st: sample adjustment by substitution instead of weighting
- st: Coding question: transactions panel dataset
- st: areg question
- Re: st: use of offset with xtlogit
- st: RE: yscale in anovaplot
- st: Automatically generating variable names in mata
- Re: st: RE: AW: Test of the difference in growth rate of two variables
- Re: st: re: first difference in multidimensional panel
- AW: Rép. : st: AW: Test of the difference in growth rate of two variables
- st: yscale in anovaplot
- st: re: first difference in multidimensional panel
- RE: st: RE: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- Rép. : st: AW: Test of the difference in growth rate of two variables
- Re: st: SE's on survival estimates from parametric models
- st: RE: AW: Test of the difference in growth rate of two variables
- st: SE's on survival estimates from parametric models
- st: RE: First difference in multidimensional panel
- st: AW: Test of the difference in growth rate of two variables
- st: Formatting variables in ice
- st: Test of the difference in growth rate of two variables
- st: New version of -bmjcip- on SSC
- st: RE: varlist not allowed in xi3
- st: AW: First difference in multidimensional panel
- st: AW: First difference in multidimensional panel
- st: re: first difference in multidimensional panel
- st: First difference in multidimensional panel
- RE: st: RE: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- Re: st: RE: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- AW: st: RE: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- Re: st: Changing the # of text columns for Stata console
- RE: st: RE: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- Re: st: RE: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- st: RE: varlist not allowed in xi3
- st: AW: varlist not allowed in xi3
- st: use of offset with xtlogit
- st: varlist not allowed in xi3
- st: RE: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- Re: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- Re: st: R: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- AW: st: R: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- Re: st: R: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- AW: st: R: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- st: Kvalseth R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- Re: st: R: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- st: R: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- Re: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- st: Goodness of fit measure akin to R-squared for 0-constant or noconstant
- st: RE: RE: Create variable conditional on several others
- Re: st: Questions on a meta-regression problem
- AW: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- RE: st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- st: imputing continuous values when respondents select categories, e.g., income category
- Re: st: re: propensity score estimation
- st: Questions on a meta-regression problem
- Re: st: re: propensity score estimation
- Re: st: re: propensity score estimation
- Re: st: re: propensity score estimation
- st: Changing the # of text columns for Stata console
- st: Re: Changing the # of text columns for Stata console
- st: Re: Capturing RMSE after MC Simulations
- st: Capturing RMSE after MC Simulations
- st: RES: Propensity Score Estimation
- st: RE: Create variable conditional on several others
- st: SDT/ROC equal variance test
- Re: st: mim: xtmixed for unconditional models
- Re: st: Propensity Score Estimation
- Re: st: Propensity Score Estimation
- Re: st: mim: xtmixed for unconditional models
- st: AW: AW: identifying obs actually used in a Logit model
- st: multilevel model wiith endogenous variable
- Re: st: mim: xtmixed for unconditional models
- st: AW: identifying obs actually used in a Logit model
- RE: st: Create variable conditional on several others
- st: AW: identifying obs actually used in a Logit model
- re: st: Create variable conditional on several others
- st: Create variable conditional on several others
- st: New versions of -parmest- and -ingap- on SSC
- RE: st: RE: RE: statalist-digest V4 #3403 - Work with many Do files simultaneously
- Re: st: RE: RE: statalist-digest V4 #3403 - Work with many Do files simultaneously
- Re: st: -stripplot- updated on SSC
- RE: st: identifying obs actually used in a Logit model
- RE: st: identifying obs actually used in a Logit model
- st: RE: can one program a function in Stata?
- Re: st: identifying obs actually used in a Logit model
- Re: st: identifying obs actually used in a Logit model
- st: -stripplot- updated on SSC
- st: identifying obs actually used in a Logit model
- st: RE: Re: Graph -- tsline -- marker
- st: re: work with many recent do-files
- st: re: propensity score estimation
- st: RE: RE: statalist-digest V4 #3403 - Work with many Do files simultaneously
- st: Re: statalist-digest V4 #3403
- st: RE: statalist-digest V4 #3403 - Work with many Do files simultaneously
- AW: st: AW: Generating comparison tables
- Re: st: AW: Generating comparison tables
- Re: st: mim: xtmixed for unconditional models
- st: AW: Propensity Score Estimation
- st: adding ammounts in Stata
- st: R: Propensity Score Estimation
- st: Propensity Score Estimation
- st: Odd Error Using svy jackknife
- st: RE: outreg2, tab option? + logout (re multi-way contingency tables in Stata)
- RE: st: AW: Work with many Do files simultaneously
- st: RE: Stochastic dominance!
- st: RE: AW: adding ammounts
- st: Re: Graph -- tsline -- marker
- st: Graph -- tsline -- marker
- st: mim: xtmixed for unconditional models
- Re: st: mim: xtmelogit & mim: xtmixed
- RE: st: Generating comparison tables
- Re: st: Combining Heckman and Tobit Models
- RE: st: outreg2, tab option? + logout (re multi-way contingency tables in Stata)
- RE: st: Generating comparison tables
- Re: st: can one program a function in Stata?
- Re: st: mim: xtmelogit & mim: xtmixed
- Re: st: can one program a function in Stata?
- AW: st: How to change value based on string variable?
- st: AW: can one program a function in Stata?
- st: can one program a function in Stata?
- Re: st: How to change value based on string variable?
- st: How to change value based on string variable?
- st: AW: How to change value based on string variable?
- Re: st: Work with many Do files simultaneously
- Re: st: AW: Work with many Do files simultaneously
- st: Within-spell or de-meaning for three-way fixed effects model
- Re: st: AW: Work with many Do files simultaneously
- st: AW: adding ammounts
- st: adding ammounts
- st: outreg2, tab option? + logout (re multi-way contingency tables in Stata)
- st: AW: Work with many Do files simultaneously
- st: Work with many Do files simultaneously
- st: RE: AW: Re: Combining Heckman and Tobit Models
- re: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- Re: st: mim: xtmelogit & mim: xtmixed
- st: AW: Generating comparison tables
- st: Generating comparison tables
- st: Stochastic dominance!
- st: AW: Re: Combining Heckman and Tobit Models
- st: Matching, bootstrapping, sub-sampling
- Re: st: Passing varlist to a Program
- Re: st: Passing varlist to a Program
- Re: st: mim: xtmelogit & mim: xtmixed
- st: mim: xtmelogit & mim: xtmixed
- st: Passing varlist to a Program
- st: Re: Combining Heckman and Tobit Models
- st: Combining Heckman and Tobit Models
- st: Re: Simulating Instrumental Variable Probit Model
- st: Re: Re: Simulating Instrumental Variable Probit Model - Addendum
- Re: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- st: Re: Simulating Instrumental Variable Probit Model - Addendum
- RE: st: Multi-way contingency tables in Stata
- st: -odbc load- command for Oracle views: Workaround?
- st: AW: Re: Simulating Instrumental Variable Probit Model
- st: Re: Simulating Instrumental Variable Probit Model
- Re: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- Re: AW: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- st: logout from ssc; exporting table, tabstat, tab, log files to Excel; plus TERMS OF USE
- st: Dynamic count data panels
- st: RE: AW: renaming using the file name
- st: AW: renaming using the file name
- st: renaming using the file name
- RE: st: Categorical dependent variable models
- Re: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- RE: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- AW: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- RE: st: Multi-way contingency tables in Stata
- RE: st: Multi-way contingency tables in Stata
- RE: st: Multi-way contingency tables in Stata
- st: RE: Multi-way contingency tables in Stata
- re: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- AW: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- re: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- Re: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- RE: st: Multi-way contingency tables in Stata
- Re: st: Multi-way contingency tables in Stata
- st: Multi-way contingency tables in Stata
- Re: st: Multi-way contingency tables in Stata
- st: SSC Archive HTML help
- st: New version of -keyby- on SSC (again)
- RE: st: RE: Ice invalid name error
- Re: st: RE: Ice invalid name error
- RE: st: Question
- st: RE: Ice invalid name error
- st: Ice invalid name error
- Re: st: isco esec issp
- AW: st: Re: Re: dataset generation
- AW: st: Re: Re: dataset generation
- Re: st: Re: Re: dataset generation
- AW: st: Question
- st: AW: Categorical dependent variable models
- Re: st: Multilevel models using multiple imputed data
- st: -rct_minim-
- Re: st: Question
- st: Question
- st: issue using starting values in gllamm
- st: RE: RE: new program sampsi_sccs
- Re: st: Statistical test for trends
- st: Statistical test for trends
- RE: st: Categorical dependent variable models
- RE: st: Categorical dependent variable models
- Re: st: Re: GMM-estimation of probit models
- st: Categorical dependent variable models
- Re: st: RE: Bar graph with yvaroptions
- st: Re: GMM-estimation of probit models
- st: Re: Simulating Instrumental Variable Probit Model
- st: GMM-estimation of probit models
- st: Simulating Instrumental Variable Probit Model
- st: RE: Re: Problem with save command. Variables disappear in new dataset & workspace.
- st: Multilevel models using multiple imputed data
- st: Re: Problem with save command. Variables disappear in new dataset & workspace.
- st: Problem with save command. Variables disappear in new dataset & workspace.
- RE: st: RE: What is this plot type?
- AW: st: RE: What is this plot type?
- Re: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- Re: AW: st: RE: What is this plot type?
- RE: st: RE: What is this plot type?
- Re: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- AW: st: RE: What is this plot type?
- RE: st: RE: What is this plot type?
- Re: st: RE: What is this plot type?
- st: RE: What is this plot type?
- Re: st: Gllamm errors
- st: AW: What is this plot type?
- st: What is this plot type?
- AW: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- Re: st: RE: Bar graph with yvaroptions
- RE: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- RE: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- RE: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- RE: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- st: RE: new program sampsi_sccs
- AW: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- st: RE: Bar graph with yvaroptions
- AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- RE: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- RE: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- Re: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- AW: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- RE: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- st: Multi-equation macroeconometric simulation
- st: Bar graph with yvaroptions
- RE: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- RE: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- Re: st: RE: RE: Stochastic dominance!
- Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- Re: st: RE: RE: Stochastic dominance!
- AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- Re: st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- st: AW: omit regression coefficients in output
- st: omit regression coefficients in output
- Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- st: egen, fill() [was:graph question]
- st: RE: graph hbox Y, by(something noiyaxes) over(grp2) over(grp1)
- st: announcing mark_changes
- AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- st: RE: graph question
- st: RE: GLLAMM repeated measures interaction problem
- AW: AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- st: RE: RE: Stochastic dominance!
- Re: AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- AW: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- Re: AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- st: New version of -keyby- on SSC
- AW: AW: st: Re: graph question
- st: vaccination coverage survey
- Re: AW: st: Re: graph question
- AW: st: Re: graph question
- Re: st: Re: graph question
- Re: st: Re: Re: dataset generation
- st: new program sampsi_sccs
- [no subject]
- st: wald statistic value in xtgee
- RE: st: Principal Component Analysis, First Steps
- st: RE: Stochastic dominance!
- Re: st: Stochastic dominance!
- st: Stochastic dominance!
- st: Principal Component Analysis, First Steps
- st: Re: graph question
- st: Re: graph question
- st: Re: Re: dataset generation
- st: Re: dataset generation
- st: graph question
- st: dataset generation
- Re: FW: Re: st: isco esec issp
- Re: st: re: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- st: Re: data management
- st: Re: data management
- st: data management
- st: new program rct_minim
- RE: st: mfx and outreg2
- Re: st: graph hbox Y, by(something noiyaxes) over(grp2) over(grp1)
- Re: st: spmap: color only selected areas?
- Re: st: graph hbox Y, by(something noiyaxes) over(grp2) over(grp1)
- Re: st: re: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- Re: st: re: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- Re: st: Dynamic count data panels
- st: mfx and outreg2
- st: Dynamic count data panels
- FW: Re: st: isco esec issp
- Re: FW: Re: st: isco esec issp
- [no subject]
- Re: st: DHS survey with stata
- FW: Re: st: isco esec issp
- Re: st: re: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- Re: st: isco esec issp
- Re: st: isco esec issp
- Re: st: isco esec issp
- st: graph hbox Y, by(something noiyaxes) over(grp2) over(grp1)
- Re: st: social network analysis
- Re: st: social network analysis
- Re: st: interval variable to rank variable
- Re: st: interval variable to rank variable
- RE: st: Bland Altman Plots for Clustered Data
- Re: st: Bland Altman Plots for Clustered Data
- Re: st: interval variable to rank variable
- Re: st: Gllamm errors
- Re: st: interval variable to rank variable
- Re: st: interval variable to rank variable
- st: interval variable to rank variable
- Re: st: re: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- Re: st: social network analysis
- st: Gllamm errors
- st: social network analysis
- Re: st: Bland Altman Plots for Clustered Data
- st: re: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- st: Bland Altman Plots for Clustered Data
- Re: st: isco esec issp
- Re: st: isco esec issp
- Re: st: isco esec issp
- Re: st: RE: Estimating Odds Ratios (ORs) from logit coefficients
- Re: st: Estimating Odds Ratios (ORs) from logit coefficients
- Re: st: AW: Estimating Odds Ratios (ORs) from logit coefficients
- st: Re: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation for Heteroskedastic Tobit Model
- st: re: Running the suest command on an unbalanced panel
- st: re:
- st: RE: Estimating Odds Ratios (ORs) from logit coefficients
- Re: st: Estimating Odds Ratios (ORs) from logit coefficients
- Re: st: DHS survey with stata
- st: AW: Estimating Odds Ratios (ORs) from logit coefficients
- st: Estimating Odds Ratios (ORs) from logit coefficients
- st: isco esec issp
- Re: AW: st: simple sum() question
- Re: st: Backfill Missing Values
- RE: st: Multinomial probit vs multinomial logit
- AW: st: simple sum() question
- RE: st: Backfill Missing Values
- Re: st: Multinomial probit vs multinomial logit
- Re: st: Re: rnormal()
- Re: st: Multinomial probit vs multinomial logit
- st: AW: Re: rnormal()
- st: RE: Re: rnormal()
- st: Re: rnormal()
- Re: st: simple sum() question
- st: AW: Running the suest command on an unbalanced panel
- st: RE: Running the suest command on an unbalanced panel
- AW: st: simple sum() question
- Re: st: simple sum() question
- st: Running the suest command on an unbalanced panel
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation for Heteroskedastic Tobit Model
- Re: st: Multinomial probit vs multinomial logit
- st: WG: discrete Time Proportional Hazard Model
- st: AW: WG: Statalist
- st: WG: Statalist
- st: Multinomial probit vs multinomial logit
- Re: st: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- Re: st: Backfill Missing Values
- Re: st: Backfill Missing Values
- st: Backfill Missing Values
- Re: st: Re: A couple of file command questions for writing a .tex program
- Re: st: A couple of file command questions for writing a .tex program
- st: Re: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation for Heteroskedastic Tobit Model
- st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation for Heteroskedastic Tobit Model
- Re: st: A couple of file command questions for writing a .tex program
- Re: st: RE: A couple of file command questions for writing a .tex program
- st: Re: stata help
- RE: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- st: Re: A couple of file command questions for writing a .tex program
- st: Re: loop over variables using arch
- st: stata help
- Re: st: RE: A couple of file command questions for writing a .tex program
- RE: st: RE: A couple of file command questions for writing a .tex program
- st: RE: loop over variables using arch
- st: loop over variables using arch
- Re: st: RE: A couple of file command questions for writing a .tex program
- st: RE: A couple of file command questions for writing a .tex program
- Re: st: RE: Stata equivalent to st_matrixcolstripe?
- st: A couple of file command questions for writing a .tex program
- Re: st: RE: Stata equivalent to st_matrixcolstripe?
- st: DHS survey with stata
- RE: st: RE: Stata equivalent to st_matrixcolstripe?
- Re: st: RE: Stata equivalent to st_matrixcolstripe?
- st: Re: Test of Structural change after logit
- st: Test of Structural change after logit
- st: RE: Stata equivalent to st_matrixcolstripe?
- st: Re: Stata equivalent to st_matrixcolstripe?
- st: Stata equivalent to st_matrixcolstripe?
- st: RE: Dividing Panel data into quartiles
- st: AW: Dividing Panel data into quartiles
- RE: AW: st: AW: Quotes for scalar within local (was efficiently run three loops (or do without them))
- st: RE: Dividing Panel data into quartiles
- Re: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- st: Dividing Panel data into quartiles
- Re: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- AW: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- Re: AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- st: AW: Reshape
- AW: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- st: Reshape
- Re: st: Exporting simple counts from 3-way table
- Re: st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- st: AW: Exporting simple counts from 3-way table
- st: AW: quantile regression with sample selection
- st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- st: Exporting simple counts from 3-way table
- st: quantile regression with sample selection
- st: AW: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- Re: st: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- Re: st: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- st: st.e. with matas maximize
- st: beta coefficients for interaction terms
- Re: st: AW: simple sum() question
- st: regoprob - no results and insufficient observations
- st: AW: regoprob - no results and insufficient observations
- st: mim and post-estimation commands (estat concordance)
- Re: st: A Monte Carlo Simulation for Tobit Model with heteroskedasticity
- Re: st: re: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- [no subject]
- st: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- Re: st: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- st: re: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- Re: st: simple question (freq)
- st: ivreg2: No validity tests if just-identified?
- st: simple question (sum)
- st: RE: re: How to use estimated coefficients in subsequent calculations
- st: simple question (freq)
- st: Re: simple question (freq)
- st: simple question (freq)
- st: Re: good reference on the benefits of panel data over cross-sectional data
- st: good reference on the benefits of panel data over cross-sectional data
- st: Re: A Monte Carlo Simulation for Tobit Model with heteroskedasticity
- st: A Monte Carlo Simulation for Tobit Model with heteroskedasticity
- st: Re: How to use estimated coefficients in subsequent calculations
- st: re: How to use estimated coefficients in subsequent calculations
- Re: st: transparent background with graph for powerpoint
- st: How to use estimated coefficients in subsequent calculations
- Re: st: RE: exlogistic for survival data?
- Re: st: AW: simple sum() question
- RE: st: AW: simple sum() question
- RE: st: AW: simple sum() question
- Re: st: RE: Data Management
- st: ivendog - testing endogeneity of several regressors
- st: AW: Data Management
- Re: st: Re: Data Management
- st: RE: Re: Data Management
- AW: st: AW: simple sum() question
- st: Re: Data Management
- st: RE: Data Management
- st: RE: RE: -omninorm- updated on SSC
- st: question about probit or logit, instrumental variables and panel data
- st: RE: New version of -sencode- and -sdecode- on SSC
- st: RE: -omninorm- updated on SSC
- RE: st: AW: simple sum() question
- RE: st: transparent background with graph for powerpoint
- st: RE: exlogistic for survival data?
- st: Data Management
- Re: st: AW: simple sum() question
- st: AW: simple sum() question
- st: RE: simple sum() question
- st: -omninorm- updated on SSC
- st: New version of -sencode- and -sdecode- on SSC
- st: simple sum() question
- st: AW: AW: Using dates
- st: AW: Using dates
- st: re: AW: Using dates
- st: R: exlogistic for survival data?
- st: re: Using dates
- st: Using dates
- st: AW: Discussing or reporting problems [was: RE: AW: -regexm- problem]
- st: exlogistic for survival data?
- st: Discussing or reporting problems [was: RE: AW: -regexm- problem]
- st: AW: -regexm- problem
- RE: st: transparent background with graph for powerpoint
- st: -regexm- problem
- Re: st: AW: how to find out which groups were dropped in panel analysis- thanks for the help
- Re: st: p-values seem too low after regress with cluster option
- AW: st: p-values seem too low after regress with cluster option
- st: AW: how to find out which groups were dropped in panel analysis
- Re: st: how to find out which groups were dropped in panel analysis
- st: how to find out which groups were dropped in panel analysis
- st: How can we incorporate COVARIATES into a NL evaluator program
- Re: st: p-values seem too low after regress with cluster option
- Re: st: p-values seem too low after regress with cluster option
- AW: st: p-values seem too low after regress with cluster option
- Re: st: p-values seem too low after regress with cluster option
- st: p-values seem too low after regress with cluster option
- st: Online html help for SSC Archive routines
- re: general -adoupdate- issue [was: st: xtabond2 update issue]
- Re: st: nl in which the nonlinear functional form is conditional on x
- Re: st: controlling the table header with estout
- Re: st: transparent background with graph for powerpoint
- st: nl in which the nonlinear functional form is conditional on x
- Re: st: controlling the table header with estout
- Re: st: Using -simulate- with returned matrices from estimation commands
- st: FW: How to force all varaibles into regression
- Re: st: transparent background with graph for powerpoint
- Re: st: Re: Using -simulate- with returned matrices from estimation commands
- [Fwd: st: Bootstrapping and delta method]
- [no subject]
- st: Re: estat firststage blank results
- Re: st: Re: Using -simulate- with returned matrices from estimation commands
- Re: general -adoupdate- issue [was: st: xtabond2 update issue]
- Re: general -adoupdate- issue [was: st: xtabond2 update issue]
- st: Re: Using -simulate- with returned matrices from estimation commands
- st: Using -simulate- with returned matrices from estimation commands
- Re: st: -regexm- problem
- st: Re: summarize variables without collapsing
- Re: st: Re: estat firststage blank results
- st: nl in which the nonlinear functional form is conditional on x
- Re: st: controlling the table header with estout
- st: stcompet and time varying covariates
- st: -regexm- problem
- [no subject]
- Re: st: Re: estat firststage blank results
- Re: st: controlling the table header with estout
- Re: st: question about monte carlo study
- Re: st: Comparing two coefficients
- Re: st: question about monte carlo study
- st: Comparing two coefficients
- Re: general -adoupdate- issue [was: st: xtabond2 update issue]
- Re: st: question about monte carlo study
- Re: st: question about monte carlo study
- st: RE: Macro creates scalars-- how can I transfer them into a MATA matrix?
- st: AW: Macro creates scalars-- how can I transfer them into a MATA matrix?
- AW: general -adoupdate- issue [was: st: xtabond2 update issue]
- Re: st: question about monte carlo study
- Re: general -adoupdate- issue [was: st: xtabond2 update issue]
- st: AW: question about monte carlo study
- st: question about monte carlo study
- st: Macro creates scalars-- how can I transfer them into a MATA matrix?
- st: spmap: color only selected areas?
- Re: st: controlling the table header with estout
- st: foreach commands
- st: RE: AW: RE: foreach commands
- st: AW: RE: foreach commands
- Re: st: AW: summarize variables without collapsing
- st: RE: foreach commands
- st: New Stata package -saswrapper- on SSC that runs SAS code from within Stata
- st: AW: foreach commands
- st: foreach commands
- st: controlling the table header with estout
- Re: st: estat firststage blank results
- Re: st: odd behavior with esttab
- st: RE: adjusted Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon test
- st: AW: RE: xtabond2 update issue
- st: RE: RE: xtabond2 update issue
- st: AW: RE: xtabond2 update issue
- st: RE: xtabond2 update issue
- st: New package -varlabdef- on SSC
- st: RE: xtabond2 update issue
- st: xtabond2 update issue
- st: AW: dynamic panel, error in command
- st: dynamic panel, error in command
- st: RE: minindex() and such new functions in Stata 10
- AW: st: AW: AW: Mean dependent variable
- Re: AW: st: AW: AW: Mean dependent variable
- Re: st: AW: AW: Mean dependent variable
- st: AW: AW: Mean dependent variable
- Re: st: AW: estpost tabstat
- Re: st: odd behavior with esttab
- st: AW: Mean dependent variable
- Re: st: odd behavior with esttab
- st: Mean dependent variable
- Re: AW: st: AW: Quotes for scalar within local (was efficiently run three loops (or do without them))
- Re: st: AW: Quotes for scalar within local (was efficiently run three loops (or do without them))
- AW: st: AW: Quotes for scalar within local (was efficiently run three loops (or do without them))
- st: AW: Quotes for scalar within local (was efficiently run three loops (or do without them))
- Re: st: AW: Quotes for scalar within local (was efficiently run three loops (or do without them))
- st: AW: Quotes for scalar within local (was efficiently run three loops (or do without them))
- Re: st: Endogenous variables in a system
- st: Quotes for scalar within local (was efficiently run three loops (or do without them))
- Re: st: Endogenous variables in a system
- st: Re: estat firststage blank results
- st: estat firststage blank results
- st: Re: Endogenous variables in a system
- st: Endogenous variables in a system
- Re: st: Polychoric and missing values in correlation matrix
- st: AW: Data management question for survival analysis problem
- st: AW: RE: AW: summarize variables without collapsing
- st: AW: Data management question for survival analysis problem
- st: Data management question for survival analysis problem
- st: minindex() and such new functions in Stata 10
- st: AW: RE: AW: summarize variables without collapsing
- RE: st: AW: summarize variables without collapsing
- st: RE: AW: summarize variables without collapsing
- st: AW: summarize variables without collapsing
- Re: st: Error computing eigenvalues using mata
- st: summarize variables without collapsing
- RE: st: Efficiently run three loops (or do without them)
- RE: st: Reading data with multiple (and different number of) lines per
- RE: st: Efficiently run three loops (or do without them)
- Re: st: Error computing eigenvalues using mata
- Re: st: model for longitudinal ordinal data
- AW: st: Efficiently run three loops (or do without them)
- RE: st: Efficiently run three loops (or do without them)
- Re: st: Efficiently run three loops (or do without them)
- Re: st: Efficiently run three loops (or do without them)
- st: RE: cubic fit ci graph?
- st: cubic fit ci graph?
- Re: st: How to append these two data sets
- RE: st: How to append these two data sets
- RE: st: RE: reshape wide
- Re: st: RE: reshape wide
- st: RE: reshape wide
- Re: st: Reading data with multiple (and different number of) lines per
- AW: st: How to append these two data sets
- Re: st: How to append these two data sets
- RE: st: How to append these two data sets
- st: reshape wide
- st: Re: How to append these two data sets
- st: RE: How to append these two data sets
- st: How to append these two data sets
- st: Error computing eigenvalues using mata
- Re: st: Efficiently run three loops (or do without them)
- st: RE: Efficiently run three loops (or do without them)
- st: Bootstrapping and delta method
- st: RE: Stata coding
- Re: st: Stata coding
- st: Efficiently run three loops (or do without them)
- st: Stata coding
- st: Lag testing issue
- Re: st: random split
- Re: st: random split
- st: Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 00:06:03 -0400
- st: Re: Estimating random effects that vary over time and cross-sections with Panel Data
- st: Sauerbreis procedure for model building
- RE: st: outreg2 with xtivreg
- st: random number
- Re: Re: st: random split
- RE: Re: st: random split
- Re: st: random split
- Re: st: random split
- Re: st: random split
- Re: st: random split
- st: Re: random split
- st: random split
- st: noisily summarize `lnf in ML Model'
- st: transparent background with graph for powerpoint
- st: working with shapefiles converted into dta
- st: Re: odd behavior with esttab
- Re: st: Overlay stcurve graphs from different models
- st: odd behavior with esttab
- Re: st: outreg2 with xtivreg
- RE: st: Multiple Imputation / - uvis- help
- RE: st: extract rowname corresponding to row index of matrix
- RE: st: Reading data with multiple (and different number of) lines per observation
- RE: st: extract rowname corresponding to row index of matrix
- RE: st: outreg2 with xtivreg
- RE: st: outreg2 with xtivreg
- st: outreg2 with xtivreg
- st: RE: outreg2 with xtivreg
- Re:st: Overlay stcurve graphs from different models
- Re:st: Overlay stcurve graphs from different models
- Re: st: reshape wide - conversion problem
- Re: st: Multiple Imputation / - uvis- help
- Re: st: Multiple Imputation / - uvis- help
- st: reshape wide - conversion problem
- st: reshape wide - conversion problem
- st: Multiple Imputation / - uvis- help
- Re: st: AW: apologies..
- RE: Corrected repost: Two general questions about xt commmands and re / fe
- Re: Corrected repost: Two general questions about xt commmands and re / fe
- Re: Corrected repost: Two general questions about xt commmands and re / fe
- Corrected repost: Two general questions about xt commmands and re / fe
- st: AW: apologies..
- st: Maximum Likelihood with repeated use of coefficients.
- st: ESS & multi-line commands
- Re: st: Statalist prob?
- Re: st: Statalist prob?
- Re: st: extract rowname corresponding to row index of matrix
- Re: st: non-nested random effects
- Re: st: Statalist prob?
- st: Statalist prob?
- Re: st: model for longitudinal ordinal data
- Re: st: Ordering graphs when using by()
- RE: st: Is it possible to use mfx or margeff after mim?
- Re: st: Ordering graphs when using by()
- Re: st: model for longitudinal ordinal data
- st: Reading data with multiple (and different number of) lines per observation
- st: RE: Re: RE: Re: single exogenous variable, panel data estimation problem
- st: noisily summarize `lnf in ML Model'
- st: Re: RE: Re: single exogenous variable, panel data estimation problem
- RE: st: model for longitudinal ordinal data
- st: RE: Re: single exogenous variable, panel data estimation problem
- st: Is it possible to use mfx or margeff after mim?
- Re: st: model for longitudinal ordinal data
- st: Re: single exogenous variable, panel data estimation problem
- st: single exogenous variable, panel data estimation problem
- Re: st: non-nested random effects
- Re: st: model for longitudinal ordinal data
- st: model for longitudinal ordinal data
- Re: st: Collaborating in stata: how to share code and control version
- st: Ordering graphs when using by()
- Re: st: Collaborating in stata: how to share code and control version
- st: RE: Collaborating in stata: how to share code and control version
- st: Monica Daigl Cattaneo is out of the office.
- st: Re: Stata list post testing
- Re: st: adjusted Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon test
- Re: Re: Re: st: What wrong with this ML model command?
- Re: st: Model in outdated time varying cox command with longitudinal data
- st: Stata list post testing
- RE: st: how to obtain standardized coefficients with xtabond2
- st: how to obtain standardized coefficients with xtabond2
- Re: st: Re: comparing across observations and variables
- RE: st: adjusted Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon test
- st: Model in outdated time varying cox command with longitudinal data
- RE: Re: Re: st: What wrong with this ML model command?
- Re: st: RE: question from statalist
- RE: st: RE: question from statalist
- Re: Re: st: What wrong with this ML model command?
- st: Re: comparing across observations and variables
- RE: st: adjusted Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon test
- Re: st: spatial weighting matrix
- st: comparing across observations and variables
- RE: st: Polychoric and missing values in correlation matrix
- st: Collaborating in stata: how to share code and control version
- Re: st: Polychoric and missing values in correlation matrix
- Re: st: adjusted Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon test
- st: Statistical power of meta-regression?
- RE: st: adjusted Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon test
- st: -set maxvar #- causes "page up" not to be able access command history
- st: RE: AW: RE: AW: computing interaction effects after xtprobit
- Re: st: RE: question from statalist
- Re: st: Polychoric and missing values in correlation matrix
- Re: st: adjusted Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon test
- WG: st: RE: how to save output from TABLE or TABSTAT as a stata .dta data file
- RE: Re: st: What wrong with this ML model command?
- RE: Re: st: What wrong with this ML model command?
- Re: st: adjusted Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon test
- Re: st: RE: RE: question from statalist
- Re: st: What wrong with this ML model command?
- Re: st: What wrong with this ML model command?
- st: RE: RE: question from statalist
- Re: st: What wrong with this ML model command?
- st: adjusted Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon test
- st: What wrong with this ML model command?
- st: Polychoric and missing values in correlation matrix
- st: How to show the total in stacked bars charts ?
- st: RE: question from statalist
- Re: st: Is it possible to create tornado diagrams in Stata?
- st: [Fwd: Sum of variables with missing values]
- st: RE: Problems posting to Statalist and "test' emails
- RE: st: Problems posting to Statalist and "test' emails
- Re: st: Problems posting to Statalist and "test' emails
- Re: st: Problems posting to Statalist and "test' emails
- Re: st: AW: How to add the same block of data to every individual
- Re: st: Sum of variables with missing values
- Re: st: Problems posting to Statalist and "test' emails
- st: Problems posting to Statalist and "test' emails
- st: RE: question from statalist
- Re: st: RE: Is it possible to create tornado diagrams in Stata?
- Re: st: RE: how to save output from TABLE or TABSTAT as a stata .dta data file
- st: RE: Is it possible to create tornado diagrams in Stata?
- Re: st: Sum of variables with missing values
- st: RE: Is it possible to create tornado diagrams in Stata?
- Re: st: Sum of variables with missing values
- Re: st: Sum of variables with missing values
- Re: st: Sum of variables with missing values
- st: Sum of variables with missing values
- Re: st: Sum of variables with missing values
- st: forecasting
- Re: st: RE: how to save output from TABLE or TABSTAT as a stata .dta data file
- Re: st: RE: how to save output from TABLE or TABSTAT as a stata .dta data file
- st: Is it possible to create tornado diagrams in Stata?
- Re: Fwd: st: spatial weighting matrix
- Re: st: spatial weighting matrix
- st: RE: how to save output from TABLE or TABSTAT as a stata .dta data file
- st: Re: how to save output from TABLE or TABSTAT as a stata .dta data file
- st: how to save output from TABLE or TABSTAT as a stata .dta data file
- Re: st: spatial weighting matrix
- RE: st: spatial weighting matrix
- Re: st: spatial weighting matrix
- Re: st: spatial weighting matrix
- RE: st: spatial weighting matrix
- Re: st: AW: How to add the same block of data to every individual
- Re: st: cluster option in qreg
- RE: st: cluster option in qreg
- Re: st: spatial weighting matrix
- RE: st: RE: Re: local macro with if qualifier
- Re: st: RE: Re: local macro with if qualifier
- AW: st: AW: How to add the same block of data to every individual
- Re: st: AW: How to add the same block of data to every individual
- st: RE: AW: How to add the same block of data to every individual
- Re: st: AW: How to add the same block of data to every individual
- st: AW: How to add the same block of data to every individual
- st: How to add the same block of data to every individual
- st: New package -rcd- "recursively cd" on SSC
- st: spatial weighting matrix
- st: Re: question from statalist
- st: AW: first stage F-statictics for xtivreg
- st: Monte Carlo with IV and Multiple Regression
- st: AW: Multinomial probit with repeated choices
- st: Multinomial probit with repeated choices
- Re: st: first stage F-statictics for xtivreg
- st: first stage F-statictics for xtivreg
- Re : st: test
- RE: st: Re: st: Unbalanced panel data with non -random missing data
- AW: st: Saving svy mean estimates?
- st: AW: Saving svy mean estimates?
- Re: st: Re: Numeric variable (in Excel) with some string cases: To destring without loosing the text information
- Re: st: AW: r(198) after -seqlogitdecomp-
- st: AW: r(198) after -seqlogitdecomp-
- st: obtaining st.e. when using mata optimize for a covariance structure model/minimum distance estimator
- st: new paper about -cmp-
- st: test
- st: Re: st: Unbalanced panel data with non -random missing data
- RE: st: Saving svy mean estimates?
- Re: st: Saving svy mean estimates?
- st: r(198) after -seqlogitdecomp-
- RE: st: Saving svy mean estimates?
- RE: st: Saving svy mean estimates?
- Re: st: Saving svy mean estimates?
- RE: st: Saving svy mean estimates?
- RE: st: Saving svy mean estimates?
- Re: st: Saving svy mean estimates?
- st: Saving svy mean estimates?
- st: Simultaneous Equations with a endogenous variables
- Re: st: cluster option in qreg
- st: Unbalanced panel data with non-random missing data
- st: Replication of Nelson and Olson (1978)
- Re: st: non-nested random effects
- st: Regressions with many fixed effects
- Re: st: non-nested random effects
- st: AW: Randon Coefficient vs Mean Group Estimation
- Re: st: simultaneous regression for proportions
- Re: st: non-nested random effects
- Re: st: non-nested random effects
- Re: st: simultaneous regression for proportions
- st: Randon Coefficient vs Mean Group Estimation
- st: RE: Re: local macro with if qualifier
- Re: st: Question: postfile with variable number variables
- Re: st: non-nested random effects
- st: Unbalanced panel data with non-random missing data
- RE: st: how to interpret sigma_e, sigma_u and rho in xtreg, fe and re
- st: AW: interpreting distribution of theta in xtreg ,re theta
- st: AW: AW: interpreting distribution of theta in xtreg ,re theta
- st: AW: how to interpret sigma_e, sigma_u and rho in xtreg, fe and re
- st: interpreting distribution of theta in xtreg ,re theta
- st: how to interpret sigma_e, sigma_u and rho in xtreg, fe and re
- Re: st: simultaneous regression for proportions
- Re: st: What size impulse in VAR/VEC irf/oirf?
- Re: st: What size impulse in VAR/VEC irf/oirf?
- st: RE: simultaneous regression for proportions
- st: non-nested random effects
- st: simultaneous regression for proportions
- Re: st: What size impulse in VAR/VEC irf/oirf?
- Re: st: What size impulse in VAR/VEC irf/oirf?
- Re: st: What size impulse in VAR/VEC irf/oirf?
- Re: st: xtpcse and the need for a lagged DV in pooled time-series
- st: Re: local macro with if qualifier
- st: xtpcse and the need for a lagged DV in pooled time-series
- Re: st: local macro with if qualifier
- st: local macro with if qualifier
- Re: Re: Re: st: Estimating Dynamic Heterogenous Panels
- st: What size impulse in VAR/VEC irf/oirf?
- Re: st: RE: binary proportions and sample size
- Re: st: RE: How to correct for serial correlation with panel data
- Re: Re: st: Simultanious Tobit Model with endogenous tobit regressor
- Re: Re: st: Estimating Dynamic Heterogenous Panels
- Re: st: mlogit with endogenous variable and iv?
- st: AW: RE: Xtivreg2 with RE?
- st: AW: RE: RE: AW: RE: Re: loop code problem
- st: DC conf 30-31 July: call for presentations
- st: RE: RE: AW: RE: Re: loop code problem
- st: RE: Xtivreg2 with RE?
- st: New package -adodev- on SSC
- st: Xtivreg2 with RE?
- st: RE: AW: estpost tabstat
- Re: st: AW: estpost tabstat
- st: AW: estpost tabstat
- st: New version of -xsvmat- on SSC
- st: estpost tabstat
- Re: st: Question: postfile with variable number variables
- Re: R: Re: st: further question about competing risks using Lunn & McNeil method
- R: Re: st: further question about competing risks using Lunn & McNeil method
- st: Re: Numeric variable (in Excel) with some string cases: To destring without loosing the text information
- st: Numeric variable (in Excel) with some string cases: To destring without loosing the text information
- Re: st: further question about competing risks using Lunn & McNeil method
- st: further question about competing risks using Lunn & McNeil method
- RE: st: FW: Help with filling in dates in a dataset
- RE: st: FW: Help with filling in dates in a dataset
- Re: st: the use of stcompet
- st: Re: Strange rclass program return
- Re: st: the use of stcompet
- st: RE: the use of stcompet
- st: the use of stcompet
- RE: st: Strange rclass program return
- Re: st: Strange rclass program return
- Re: st: Strange rclass program return
- Re: st: Strange rclass program return
- st: Strange rclass program return
- Re: st: FW: Help with filling in dates in a dataset
- Re: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- Re: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- Re: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- Re: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- RE: st: FW: Help with filling in dates in a dataset
- Re: st: IV estimation for probit models with binary endogenous variable...?
- st: multiple labels on spmap
- st: Update to -texdoc- available from SSC
- Re: st: AW: Re: texdoc
- st: RE: specifying random effects in -xtmixed- for pretest/posttest clustered design
- Re: Fwd: st: Matrix transformation
- Re: st:reweight to compare two samples
- st: Matrix transformation
- Fwd: st:reweight to compare two samples
- Re: st: Opinions on fractional logit versus tobit - prediction and model fit
- Re: st: Opinions on fractional logit versus tobit - prediction and model fit
- Re: st: RE: Opinions on fractional logit versus tobit - prediction and model fit
- Re: st: maps (or plots) and labels with different colors
- Re: st: AW: Re: texdoc
- st:reweight to compare two samples
- Re: st: -outreg2- in Stata 10
- Re: st: Decomposing cost variations between individual and higher level effects
- st: Decomposing cost variations between individual and higher level effects
- Re: st: specifying random effects in -xtmixed- for pretest/posttest clustered design
- Re: st: -outreg2- in Stata 10
- st: AW: -outreg2- in Stata 10
- st: -outreg2- in Stata 10
- st: maps (or plots) and labels with different colors
- Re: st: Survival analysis and weights - what changed in Stata 10?
- st: Matrix transformation
- Re: st: Survival analysis and weights - what changed in Stata 10?
- st: Survival analysis and weights - what changed in Stata 10?
- st: AW: Re: texdoc
- st: Re: texdoc
- Re: st: Opinions on fractional logit versus tobit - prediction and model fit
- st: Question: postfile with variable number variables
- Re: st: Fw: Re: linear constraints for the parameters in dirifit
- AW: st: FW: Help with filling in dates in a dataset
- re: st: FW: Help with filling in dates in a dataset
- Re: st: IV estimation for probit models with binary endogenous variable...?
- st: Opinions on fractional logit versus tobit - prediction and model fit
- AW: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- Re: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- Re: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- st: SSC update
- Re: st: Re: using "keep if"
- Re: st: specifying random effects in -xtmixed- for pretest/posttest clustered design
- Re: st: Re: add results of lincom postestimation command to a table using outreg2
- st: specifying random effects in -xtmixed- for pretest/posttest clustered design
- st: RE: add results of lincom postestimation command to a table using outreg2
- RE: st: Re: add results of lincom postestimation command to a table using outreg2
- st: Re: using "keep if"
- st: Re: add results of lincom postestimation command to a table using outreg2
- st: add results of lincom postestimation command to a table using outreg2
- st: using "keep if"
- Re: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- Re: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- Re: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- Re: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- Re: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- st: RE: Opinions on fractional logit versus tobit - prediction and model fit
- st: Re:
- st: Re: Updating/upgrading Venndiag.ado routines
- Re: st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- st: How to balance an unbalanced panel data set
- Re: st: How to treat variables where all outcomes happens in one interval-apology
- st: RE: Panel data - XTGEE with 2 levels of clustering
- Re: st: How to treat variables where all outcomes happens in one interval Roland- When categories with events are compared to categories with no events in a Cox model, the partial likelihood is maximized by a HR of infinity, giving you the "very large HR" you observed. The same phenomenon occurs if you estimate the odds ratio in a 2 x 2 table with no observations in either of the off-diagonal cells. If you wish to use Cox, you cannot compare age >45 to age <=45. Your definition of stages is not very clear, but you cannot make any comparison of stages where membership in one requires age<=45. You may have to exclude all people <=45 and take what stage definitions remain remains. You may still analyze or adjust for differences among other stages, confined to those >45. If you can obtain from the literature information about the distribution of deaths by age, a sample size calculation (-stpower-) should show why you observed none in the <=45 group. -Steve On Mar 31, 2009, at 4:56 AM, roland andersson wrote: I am analysing survival in two methods of syrgery for thyroid cancer. The international classification of stage of disease includes tumorsize (<2, 2-4, >4 cm within the thyroid and growth outside the thyroid, presence of distant metastases, metastases to lymphglands and age>45 years. In my patients all deaths have occured in patients >age 45 years. When the dichotomised agevariable is analysed in Coxregression the HR is very large with very large SE. There is no problem with collinearity. How should I treat this situation? One solution would be to only analyse according to the stage classification (which includes age >45 years for stage 3 and 4), but I would like to analyse the importance of each element of the stageclassification. I may dichotomise with cutoff point >50 years, but that is not correct according to the international definition of tumour stage.
- st: Opinions on fractional logit versus tobit - prediction and model fit
- st: Re:
- [no subject]
- Re: st: Variance decomposition
- st: SSC Archive help files now available in HTML
- Re: AW: st: Re: status of upgraded venndiag
- st: Panel data - XTGEE with 2 levels of clustering
- RE: st: Cumulative Percentiles & Accuracy Profiles
- Re: st: Cumulative Percentiles & Accuracy Profiles
- st: AW: Cumulative Percentiles & Accuracy Profiles
- st: RE: Cumulative Percentiles & Accuracy Profiles
- st: Cumulative Percentiles & Accuracy Profiles
- st: Relative risks using -xtreg-
- Re: st: IV estimation for probit models with binary endogenous variable...?
- Re: AW: st: Re: status of upgraded venndiag
- st: "Forbidden Regressions"
- st: IV estimation for probit models with binary endogenous variable...?
- st: linear constraints for the parameters in dirifit
- Re: st: IV estimation for probit models with binary endogenous variable...?
- st: RE: St: Re: graph over
- Re: st: IV estimation for probit models with binary endogenous variable...?
- RE: st: extract rowname corresponding to row index of matrix
- Re: st: IV estimation for probit models with binary endogenous variable...?
- st: IV estimation for probit models with binary endogenous variable...?
- st: IV estimation for probit models with binary endogenous variable...?
- Re: st: Fw: Re: linear constraints for the parameters in dirifit
- st: St: Re: graph over
- Re: st: Panel data - XTGEE with 2 levels of clustering
- st: Fw: Re: linear constraints for the parameters in dirifit
- Re: st: RE: S-Curve/logistic curve regression
- Re: st: extract rowname corresponding to row index of matrix
- Re: FW: st: Variance decomposition
- Re: st: Estimating Dynamic Heterogenous Panels
- st: Panel data - XTGEE with 2 levels of clustering
- st: Matrix manipulation help
- st: Estimating Dynamic Heterogenous Panels
- st: extract rowname corresponding to row index of matrix
- Re: st: Re: what does -egen std- do?
- Re: st: Re: status of upgraded venndiag
- st: Re: what does -egen std- do?
- st: what does -egen std- do?
- Re: st: looping over local macros with multiple items
- st: RE: graph over
- st: Re: Re: looping over local macros with multiple items
- st: RE: looping over local macros with multiple items
- st: Re: looping over local macros with multiple items
- Re: st: RE: S-Curve/logistic curve regression
- st: RE: Handling missing values for dates
- st: looping over local macros with multiple items
- st: RE: S-Curve/logistic curve regression
- st: RE: graph over
- st: RE: RE: RE: Code to generate variable indicating date that CD4 drops below 250
- Re: st: How to ling oracle database
- Re: st: Re: graph over
- st: Handling missing values for dates
- Re: st: Re: graph over
- st: Re: graph over
- st: graph over
- Re: st: S-Curve/logistic curve regression
- st: S-Curve/logistic curve regression
- st: RE: RE: Code to generate variable indicating date that CD4 drops below 250
- st: Pencina's NRI and IDI reclassification indices
- AW: st: Re: status of upgraded venndiag
- Re: st: Re: status of upgraded venndiag
- Re: AW: st: Re: Re: dates in stata
- Re: st: Presenting categorical data
- AW: st: Presenting categorical data
- Re: st: Presenting categorical data
- Re: st: Presenting categorical data
- st: RE: Code to generate variable indicating date that CD4 drops below 250
- st: RE: FW: Transformation of SE
- Re: st: Panel VECM
- Re: st: Panel VECM
- st: Panel VECM
- AW: st: Re: Re: dates in stata
- Re: st: dates in stata
- Re: st: Re: Re: dates in stata
- st: RE: status of upgraded venndiag
- Re: st: Presenting categorical data
- st: FW: Help with filling in dates in a dataset
- st: AW: RE: AW: FW: Transformation of SE
- st: AW: Presenting categorical data
- st: RE: AW: FW: Transformation of SE
- st: Presenting categorical data
- st: AW: FW: Transformation of SE
- st: FW: Transformation of SE
- AW: st: Re: Re: Re: dates in stata
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