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st: Problems posting to Statalist and "test' emails

From   "Kieran McCaul" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Problems posting to Statalist and "test' emails
Date   Thu, 9 Apr 2009 07:32:18 +0800

Neil commented on my previous "test" email, so I thought I should
elaborate on this.
Also I notice that from time to time, people sometimes forward a post
from another user because that user is "having trouble posting to the
list".  So perhaps the problem I have been having and how I have resolve
it (I hope) may be of some use to others on the list.

I've been on the Statalist for over ten years and posted to the list on
a semi-regular basis.
My last post before the test post was on or about March 15.  On the 27
March I replied to another post, but my reply did not appear.  On 30
March I sent a post to the list and, once again, it did not appear.

Through all this I continued to receive Statalist posts.

I tried contacting Marcello Pagano to see if he could offer any advice,
but got no reply - he may be away.  Or my email may not have reached

I next tried unsubscribing and then resubscribing to the list, but
although I was emailing to [email protected], I received
nothing back from the listserver. This is very strange.

I then recalled that some upgrade to Outlook had installed itself
earlier, but I couldn't remember exactly when.  So I tracked down this
"upgrade" and uninstalled it, but I was still not able to post to the

On Wednesday this week, I again tried unsubscribing to the list and this
time it worked.  The message I received back was not exactly what I
expected however:


>>>> unsubscribe statalist [email protected]
Your request to [email protected]:

	unsubscribe statalist [email protected]
has been forwarded to the owner of the "statalist" list for approval. 
This could be for any of several reasons:

    You might have asked to subscribe to a "closed" list, where all new
	additions must be approved by the list owner. 

    You might have asked to subscribe or unsubscribe an address other
	the one that appears in the headers of your mail message.

When the list owner approves your request, you will be notified.

So this was very strange: my email address on the list was not the same
as the email address on the header.

So now I tried to get a list of members of the Statalist:
>>>> who statalist
**** List 'statalist' is a private list.
**** Only members of the list can do a 'who'.
**** You [ "Kieran McCaul" <[email protected]> ] aren't a member
of list 'statalist'.
I have two email addresses at my university.  This is not new, I have
always had these two addresses, but it now appears that on email headers
[email protected] is now appearing whereas in the past
[email protected] had been used.

So I thought I had resolved the issue by changing the email under which
I am subscribed and this seemed to be the case because my "test" email
got through.  However I replied to Neil's post this morning (from home)
and it didn't get through.

What is also not unresolved is the non-response I got from the
listserver when I originally tried to unsubscribe.  I suppose it's
possible that the server may have been down at the time I sent my email
to it. 

Anyway I am now sending this directly (also from home).  If it doesn't
get through I still have a problem.  If it does get through, I can't
explain why my reply to Neil didn't also get through.


Kieran McCaul MPH PhD
WA Centre for Health & Ageing (M573)
University of Western Australia
Level 6, Ainslie House
48 Murray St
Perth 6000
Phone: (08) 9224-2140
Fax: (08) 9224 8009
email: [email protected]
Epidemiology is so beautiful and provides such an important perspective
on human life and death, 
but an incredible amount of rubbish is published.  Richard Peto (2007) 

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