Thank you very much Caleb.
I did:
egen capscore=rowtotal(quality newequip intrd skilltrai skilled edu traiprog)
and I solved the problem
Alejandra Molina
Caleb Southworth
Associate Professor
Univ. of Oregon Sociology
-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Sum of variables with missing values
Da: [email protected]
Data: Mer, 8 Aprile 2009 11:42 pm
A: [email protected]
Dear statalist,
I have to make this operation:
gen capscore= quality+newequip+intrd+skilltrai+skilled+edu+traiprog
I have several missing values in the different variables.
I would like to proceed with the sum (forgetting missing values), what may
I do?
For instance, if I have one of the 7 variables that have missing values, I
woul like to see the result of the sum of the other 6.
Thanks and regards,
Alejandra Molina
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