2009/4/13 Rahsaan Maxwell <rahsaan@polsci.umass.edu>:
> Hello-
> Does anyone know if there is a fast way to code new variables in Stata so that
> they equal the mean value of a subpopulation's score on particular other
> variables?
> For example, I am analyzing two main subpopulations: migrants and natives.
> Both of which are nested in countries and regions. I want to calculate a new
> variable which captures the mean attitudes of natives in each country/region
> and then use that as an independent variable in a model predicting migrant
> outcomes.
Not quite sure what you want here. Is the idea to calculate mean
attitudes for each country/region of natives, and to have that value
in _all_ observations of the country/region (natives and migrants)? I
think this will do it:
egen mean_att = mean(attitudes) if native==1, by(country region)
bys country region (mean_att) : replace mean_att = mean_att[1]
> And more generally, is it possible to create a new variable with multiple
> values per country/region for means across different groups. I.E. I want
> country1 to have one value for the mean attitude of natives and another value
> for the mean attitude of migrants. I want to do this in order to graph
> migrant/native means across the countries and regions.
If you want to graph it, look at -graph bar- which does this sort of
thing out of the box. If you don't like bar graphs, you could use
-collapse attitude, by(country region native)- to create a dataset of
means, which you can then graph in whatever form you like.
Alternatively, you could obviously use the above code again with native==0.
Hope this helps,
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