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Re: st: specifying random effects in -xtmixed- for pretest/posttest clustered design
From |
"Michael I. Lichter" <[email protected]> |
To |
[email protected] |
Subject |
Re: st: specifying random effects in -xtmixed- for pretest/posttest clustered design |
Date |
Fri, 03 Apr 2009 14:56:22 -0400 |
Thanks for the response, Jeph, but that's not the model I'm trying to
fit. I'm pretty sure that I don't want random effects for condition (C)
or time*condition (TC); those should be fixed effects only. In any
event, without member (M) in the model, how does -xtmixed- know that I
have two measurements per subject rather than a whole bunch of
measurements per group (G)?
I need -xtmixed- to know that members (M) are nested within groups (G),
and T is nested within M, and since -xtmixed- doesn't pay any attention
to -xtset-, that needs to be in the model specification somewhere, no?
Thanks again.
Jeph Herrin wrote:
xtmixed y cond t tc || g: cond t tc
this tells -xtmixed- to estimate random effects across group
for cond, t, and tc.
I don't know what murray means by including M as a random
effect (and don't feel like pulling his book off the shelf
to check), but I'm pretty sure you don't want that unless
you have multiple records per person per time point.
Michael I. Lichter wrote:
I am having difficulties figuring out how to specify the random
effects in -xtmixed- for my study design, and I haven't been able to
find anything helpful in the archives or the manual.
My study is a standard cluster-randomized, two-condition,
two-time-point trial with balanced allocation of clusters to
conditions and only moderate variation in cluster size, with no
stratification, crossing, matching, or anything else. Suppose I have
one record per time point per person with variables:
c - study condition (control or intervention)
t - time point (pretest or post-test)
m - ID # for individual enrolled in trial
g - group #
y - study result
I am taking my guidance from David Murray's DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF
GROUP-RANDOMIZED TRIALS and trying to follow his example for what he
calls an "unadjusted time x condition analysis" for "nested cohort
designs" (pp. 296-311). The model, with subscripts omitted, looks
like this: Y = mu + c + t + tc + G + M + TG + MT + e, where mu is the
grand mean, tc is the interaction effect t*c (same for TG and MT),
and G, M, TG, and MT are random effects.
Is any of these correct given the model?
xtmixed y cond t tc || G: || M: || TG: || MT: xtmixed y cond t tc ||
G: TG || M: MT xtmixed y cond t tc || G: M TG MT
None of the above converge successfully with my data, but that
doesn't mean they're all wrong ... Obviously, I'm unclear on how the
specification of random effects works.
FWIW, Murray provides the following SAS code (with my variable names;
and "ddf = 4,4,4" is for a specific example):
proc mixed info order=internal noclprint;
class C G M T;
model Y = C T C*T /ddf = 4,4,4 ddfm = res;
repeated T /type = cs subject = M(G*C) r = 1 to 3 rcorr = 1 to 3;
random G(C) TG(C);
lsmeans C*T /slice=C slice=T c1 e;
estimate `(I3 - I0)-(C3-C0)' C*T 1 -1 -1 1/cl e;
I can run this in SAS, but the value of doing so is diminished by the
fact that Murray's commands and annotations are about 10 years out of
date; I'd rather do it in Stata if possible.
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Michael I. Lichter, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor & NRSA Fellow
UB Department of Family Medicine / Primary Care Research Institute
UB Clinical Center, 462 Grider Street, Buffalo, NY 14215
Office: CC 125 / Phone: 716-898-4751 / E-Mail: [email protected]
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