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st: Re: How to append these two data sets

From   "Martin Weiss" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: Re: How to append these two data sets
Date   Mon, 13 Apr 2009 15:59:50 +0200


As Nick said, your problem seems like a very straightforward operation using -append-...

inp id v
1 4
1 2
2 6
2 7

tempfile mine
save `mine' , replace


inp id x str2 y z
1 4 a 7
1 4 b 8
1 4 c 9
2 6 a 7
2 6 b 8
2 6 c 9

append using `mine'

sort id x y z
l ,noo sepby(id)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Quang Nguyen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 3:43 PM
Subject: st: How to append these two data sets

Dear All:

Suppose I have the 2 following data set1:

Data 1
id v
1 4
1           2
2    6
2 7

Data 2:
id     x     y           z
1     4      a          7
1     4      b          8
1     4      c          9
2     6     a           7
2     6     b           8
2     6     c           9

Note that _x_ is a fixed effect in data 2 as well as the combined data
set. Given that,  do you know how I can append data 1 to data 2 so
that the combined data set will have infor from both data 1 and 2 and
some missing values due to mismatch between v and (y,z). Specifically,
the combined data for the first observation looks like the following:

Combined data:

id     x    y           z          v
1     4     a           7        mis
1     4     b           8        mis
1     4     c           9        mis
1     4   mis       mis      4
1     4   mis       mis      2

Many thanks!

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