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st: Passing varlist to a Program

From   Aaron Thomas <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Passing varlist to a Program
Date   Tue, 21 Apr 2009 19:49:34 -0700

I'm having two problems, and hoping someone can help me with this.

I have a program that takes a varlist in stata 10. (So I type something like:
someprog var1-var99
Then it does something with the data.)

I have another program that takes a varlist, and I want to pass that varlist to the first program so I can then work with the data it gives back.
(so, something like
myprog var1-var99
Now, myprog needs to pass that varlist to someprog )

I can't seem to do this in Stata. I can pass var1-var99 to one program, but writing a program in a way that it can take any varlist and pass it to the next one is invisible to me, I've been crawling the web for four hours now looking for a way to do this. Someone please help me, or tell me where to get the right help. Which is my second problem. Where do I get some information about programming in Stata that makes sense? I program in C/C++, python, lisp, basic, c#, pascal, java, and several scripting languages, and the flat linear interpreted style of Stata is unfamiliar ground for me, I can't find anything readable on it. Thanks.

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