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AW: general -adoupdate- issue [was: st: xtabond2 update issue]

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   AW: general -adoupdate- issue [was: st: xtabond2 update issue]
Date   Tue, 14 Apr 2009 17:25:25 +0200


Hmmm, -texdoc- is "well-behaved" for me... Maybe that constitutes the
difference between the OSes?

. witch texdoc

If more than one file of a type, first listed is active...

----- .ado -----

*! version 1.0.0  22mar2009  Ben Jann

----- .hlp -----


. adoupdate texdoc
(note: adoupdate updates user-written files; type -update- to check for
updates to
       official Stata)

Checking status of specified packages...

  [152] texdoc at
        installed package is up to date

(no packages require updating)


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Michael Hanson
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. April 2009 17:20
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: general -adoupdate- issue [was: st: xtabond2 update issue]


I am seeing this issue today with -adoupdate-, as both -xtabond2- and  
-texdoc- are perpetually listed as needing updates on my computer.   
My version of -xtabond2- is the same as yours.  My version of - 
texdoc- is:

. which texdoc
/Library/Application Support/Stata/ado/plus/t/texdoc.ado
*! version 2.0.4  03apr2009  Ben Jann

(As you can see, I am running Mac OS X rather than Windows, so I  
suspect we can eliminate the OS as a source of the problem.)  Do you  
have -texdoc- installed?  What happens if you (re)install it?

I experienced this same problem with -adoupdate- about 6 to 9 months  
ago -- although my memory is that another package (or packages) was  
perpetually in need of update.  I thought I "solved" that instance by  
deleting and then re-installing the "offending" packages, but no  
amount of uninstalling and re-installing -xtabond2- and -texdoc- has  
any effect on the reported need for these two to be -update-d today.


I think it would be helpful if there were a -which- subcommand to - 
ssc-, as the information provided by -ssc describe foo- and -which  
foo- do not appear to correspond closely enough to allow me to  
determine if a locally installed package is identical to the current  
version in the SSC archive.  Although perhaps I am not reading the  
available information correctly.

It would be useful to know if anyone else is experiencing this  
problem -- although the general lack of response suggests not.  So  
what could be causing Martin and I, on different platforms and  
different continents, to experience the same problem?


On Apr 14, 2009, at 8:30 AM, Martin Weiss wrote:

> Dear Statalisters,
> I am having trouble with -ssc d xtabond2- and -adoupdate-. Every  
> time I run
> -adoupdate-, -xtabond2- is regarded as "updated on server" although  
> I do
> have the latest version. -which xtabond2- gives me
> . which xtabond2
> c:\ado\plus\x\xtabond2.ado
> *! xtabond2 2.8.2 16 March 2009
> After updating, I can run -adoupdate- again, and it constantly  
> comes back
> with this message. I also uninstalled and reinstalled -xtabond2-  
> back and
> forth, but the behavior remains the same. Have others observed it  
> as well?
> Martin
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