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RE: Re: st: What wrong with this ML model command?

From   "Glenn Goldsmith" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: Re: st: What wrong with this ML model command?
Date   Thu, 9 Apr 2009 16:03:04 +0100

Hi Quang,

In general, it's easier for people to help if you post the output from
running the command with -set trace on-, rather than just the program code.
That should pinpoint exactly where the problem is.

Absent the -trace-, here's my guess at what's going on.

The first code you posted contained the line:

> tempvar  ya0, ya1, yb0, yb1, y_a0 y_a1 y_b0 y_b1 euA euB euDiff euRatio

This would have generated the error you received, because the names
shouldn't be separated with commas.

The new code you've posted has corrected this, and contains no commas at
all. I would think the only way it could generate the error you received is
if it gets passed a comma in a macro somewhere.

Did your original error arise with the old program or the new? My suspicion
is that the old program is still in memory, and is what is causing the
problem. To fix this, ensure that the new program is saved, then type 

  program drop MLkt0_1

then try running the -ml model- command again and see if it works.

Otherwise, you really just need to look at the trace line by line to see
where the error comes from.



Quang Nguyen <[email protected]> wrote:

I am sorry. Here is the correct code:

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