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st: Changes in the significance of endogenous variables after fixed effect and system GMM

From   Yee Kyoung Kim <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Changes in the significance of endogenous variables after fixed effect and system GMM
Date   Sun, 26 Apr 2009 12:07:53 +0900

Dear subscribers,

I would deeply appreciate if anybody can help me out.
I have cross-country panel data with 5-year average.
The significance of the key variable that I am interested in changes
depending on the estimation methods.

1) OLS : significant.
2) Fixed effect: insignificant.
3) system GMM: significant.

It could be the result of the endogeneity bias but the AR(2) test and
Hansen test (between 0.2-0.8 (p-value)) lies within the reasonable
In addition, the lagged dependent variable also lies between the
coeffieicent of OLS and that of fixed effect.

Can I expect any of endogenous independent variable to have downward
bias as in the case of lagged dependent variables?
Or, do I have to have the consistent significant fixed-effect
coefficient? (Well, in cross-sectional analysis, in order to validate
the instrument variables, such problem should not arise as far as I

My estimation can be backed up or is completely wrong? Could you
recommend any reference for this?

Thank you very much in advance

Best regards,

Yee Kyoung

Yee Kyoung Kim
Department of Economics
PhD candidate, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
(Phone) 016-595-6148
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