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AW: st: Saving svy mean estimates?

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   AW: st: Saving svy mean estimates?
Date   Wed, 8 Apr 2009 09:58:36 +0200


The weird thing about the solutions in this thread is that they do not
conform to Rebecca`s request to get means accounting for survey weights the
same way -egen, mean()- does for non-weighted data: as a vector over all
observations in the dataset. The easiest solution that I can see is to
employ -svy: regress- and -predict-.

webuse highschool, clear
svyset county [pweight=sampwgt], strata(state) vce(linearized)

// use -regress- to get means
svy linearized: regress weight sex
//see whether adjust matches -mean- results
adjust, by(sex) xb se
//get predictions
predict pred if sex==1, xb
predict female if sex==2, xb
replace pred=female if pred==.
drop female
// get ses
predict se if sex==1, stdp
predict sefemale if sex==2, stdp
replace se=sefemale if se==.
drop sefemale
l sex pred se in 1/10
//compare to -mean-
svy: mean weight, over(sex)


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Kanter, Rebecca
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. April 2009 02:31
An: [email protected]
Betreff: RE: st: Saving svy mean estimates?

Thanks for your response; that helps a bit. But what I'm trying to get at is
how to store the e(b) (i.e. mean values) into a variable [the same way as if
I did egen newvar=mean(var), without acct for svy design]. Do you or someone
else know how to do this?
Many thanks,
Rebecca M. Kanter
PhD Candidate
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of International Health
Center for Human Nutrition
From: [email protected]
[[email protected]] On Behalf Of Joao Ricardo F. Lima
[[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 7:13 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Saving svy mean estimates?


the svy mean estimates are saved in e(b)

*********begin example*************
webuse highschool, clear
svyset county [pweight=sampwgt], strata(state) vce(linearized)
svy: mean weight, over(sex)
eret li
mat li e(b)
*********end example*************

Sorry but I didn´t understand the second part of your question.


Joao Lima

2009/4/7 Kanter, Rebecca <[email protected]>:
> Hi,
> I am using the svy mean command to calculate survey weighted
state-specific mean estimates of different Mexican state characteristics,
for example the percent of the population in a specific Mexican state that
is indigenous
> Thus, I use the following command line: svy: mean indigena, over(state)
> And want to save these mean estimates (by state) as I would if I did an by
state, sort: egen mean(indigena)--that was not accounting for the survey
design; so my question is, how do I save the mean estimates by state from
the above svy command line: svy: mean indigena, over(ent)??  And/or how do i
save mean estimates for this that does take the svy pweight into account in
the proper manner (if I can't do it with svy: mean)? [I want to then drop
people from my dataset but want to have all the state estimates of
characteristics saved as variables before doing so].
> Thanks,
> Rebecca
> ___________________________________________
> Rebecca M. Kanter
> PhD Candidate
> Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
> Department of International Health
> Center for Human Nutrition
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Joao Ricardo Lima, D.Sc.
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