Following Joao's example, you may want to save your results in a matrix, which you can add to after you modify the data. Something like the following:
*********begin example*************
webuse highschool, clear
svyset county [pweight=sampwgt], strata(state) vce(linearized)
*Get mean for all students, by sex
svy: mean weight, over(sex)
*Store results in matrix named myresults
matrix define myresults = e(b)
*Get mean for black students
gen black = race==2
svy, subpop(black): mean weight, over(sex)
*Store results for black students as new row in my matrix
matrix myresults = myresults\e(b)
*Name the rows of my matrix
mat rown myresults = total black
matlist myresults
*********end example*************
Note that most people recommend that you use the -if- qualifier or -subpop- option to run commands on part of your dataset instead of -drop-ing anyone.
If you want Stata to automatically make nice tables, you might want to look at Ben Jann's -estout- package (either the matrix mode or the -estpost- command using the -tabstat- option), which is available on SSC. This allows you to automat the creation of pretty tables but has a learning curve so is probably not worth it if you won't be using it a lot.
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Joao Ricardo F. Lima
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 8:14 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Saving svy mean estimates?
the svy mean estimates are saved in e(b)
*********begin example*************
webuse highschool, clear
svyset county [pweight=sampwgt], strata(state) vce(linearized)
svy: mean weight, over(sex)
eret li
mat li e(b)
*********end example*************
Sorry but I didn´t understand the second part of your question.
Joao Lima
2009/4/7 Kanter, Rebecca <[email protected]>:
> Hi,
> I am using the svy mean command to calculate survey weighted state-specific mean estimates of different Mexican state characteristics, for example the percent of the population in a specific Mexican state that is indigenous
> Thus, I use the following command line: svy: mean indigena, over(state)
> And want to save these mean estimates (by state) as I would if I did an by state, sort: egen mean(indigena)--that was not accounting for the survey design; so my question is, how do I save the mean estimates by state from the above svy command line: svy: mean indigena, over(ent)?? And/or how do i save mean estimates for this that does take the svy pweight into account in the proper manner (if I can't do it with svy: mean)? [I want to then drop people from my dataset but want to have all the state estimates of characteristics saved as variables before doing so].
> Thanks,
> Rebecca
> ___________________________________________
> Rebecca M. Kanter
> PhD Candidate
> Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
> Department of International Health
> Center for Human Nutrition
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Joao Ricardo Lima, D.Sc.
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