You say that the structure differs from that previously discussed, but what is it?
One observation per month, or something else?
[email protected]
Linn Renée Naper
I would like to do something like this:
forvalue m=1/12 {
replace X3 = X2 in [X1==`m' + 1]
This is not possible, but I think it illustrates my problem as I need to tell stata to replace a variable (X3) with values (X2) from other observations identified by a third variable (X1).
I have a sample with a date-identifier, variable X1 giving the current month and a variable X2 giving the mean price level for the same month. Thus, within the same month the variable is constant. Data have several years.
Now I need a variable X3 which gives me the mean price level (X2) for the coming month (actually I will generate several variable for the price level for all months to come, but I guess the logic will be the same here).
Thus, I need to generate a variable X3 (g X3=.) and then replace it with the values from X2 given in other observations. For month 1 (X1=1, January) X3 should contain the values of X2 when X1==2 (February) and so on.
I know I posted a similar problem I while ago, but the structure of the data here is not the same, so I'm stuck again :(
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