-texdoc- chops the first line of the log files because usually it is a
(unwanted) blank line (a line containing "{\smallskip}" to be
precise). If -texdoc stlog- is used within a forvalues loop this line
is missing, but -texdoc stlog- still chops the first line.
Martin provided a workaround. Alternatively, include an additional
-di- after -texdoc stlog-, i.e.:
forvalues i==0/1{
texdoc stlog
di "`: label (foreign) `i''"
I now changed -texdoc stlog- so that in only chops the first line if
it is equal to "{\smallskip}". An update should be available from the
SSC Archive soon.
On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Martin Weiss <martin.weiss1@gmx.de> wrote:
> <>
> Weird issue. As soon as you add as little as a line break to the -display- directive, it magically comes to life...
> *************
> sysuse auto, clear
> texdoc init plotweave, replace
> tex \documentclass{article}
> tex \usepackage{stata}
> tex \usepackage{graphicx}
> tex \begin{document}
> forvalues i==0/1{
> texdoc stlog
> //first version does not do it
> //di "`: label (foreign) `i''"
> di _n "`: label (foreign) `i''"
> texdoc stlog close
> }
> tex \end{document}
> texdoc close
> !texify -c -b --run-viewer plotweave.tex
> *************
> Martin
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu [mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu] Im Auftrag von Janet Hill
> Gesendet: Freitag, 3. April 2009 16:58
> An: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
> Betreff: st: Re: texdoc
> I have found texdoc very useful - many thanks Ben.
> I have a problem in trying to write a label to the output. When I run this do file:
> texdoc init plotweave, replace
> tex \documentclass{article}
> tex \usepackage{stata}
> tex \usepackage{graphicx}
> tex \begin{document}
> forvalues i==1/4{
> texdoc stlog
> di "`: label (site) `i''"
> tab goc if site==`i' & ogc==1
> texdoc stlog close
> spineplot ogc goc if site==`i' & ogc==1
> graph export plot`i'.eps,replace
> tex
> tex \includegraphics{plot`i'}
> }
> tex \end{document}
> texdoc close
> The values of label (site) display on screen but do not appear in the Latex output (everything else is there).
> Is there a way of getting them into the output (assuming that I have not made a syntax blunder). I am using Stata 10 and led to read the Latex
> Thanks,
> Janet
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