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Re: st: re: Programming stata using egen functions

From   Anne Resende <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: re: Programming stata using egen functions
Date   Tue, 28 Apr 2009 12:02:25 +0100 (BST)

Thanks for your response.
I am a beginner in stata programming but my aim is to create a “mean”  
of the variable logwage to after run the bootstrap.
So when I use rowmax( )  I expect the program to calculate the maximum 
of the value of the variables in parenthesis. For each `s’ I need the 
maximum value between the `sp’ numbers.  
For example: m_108 = 2.33
m_109 = 3.4
m_1010= 1.2
So I want the program to return de value 3.4. When I use the function 
max the program returns me the value of m_1010 because it is 
considering the max between the values 108, 109, 1010.
So after the program calculate the maximum value within it m_`s’`sp’ , 
I trying to use the rowtotal( ) to sum all of the maximum values and to 
end up with just one variable.

Kit Baum wrote:

>egen rowmax() and rowtotal() are meant to be used with more than one  
>variable (rather than a scalar) as an argument.
>     qui egen `exem_`s''=rowmax(m_`s'`sp')
>if m_`s'`sp' is a scalar, its rowmax or rowtotal is itself--a constant  
>value for each row (observation). What are you trying to do?
>Kit Baum   |   Boston College Economics & DIW Berlin   |
>                               An Introduction to Stata Programming   
>    An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata  |
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