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st: logout from ssc; exporting table, tabstat, tab, log files to Excel; plus TERMS OF USE

From   Roy Wada <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: logout from ssc; exporting table, tabstat, tab, log files to Excel; plus TERMS OF USE
Date   Tue, 21 Apr 2009 09:10:40 -0700

Thanks to Kit Baum, who is apparently old enough to remember the good old
days of using logout( ) on maintrame, -logout- is now available from
ssc for the modern Stata users.
-logout- is an industrial strengh program for chewing through ASCII files,
including "dirty" files like html to relatively clean log files produced by 
the likes of SAS, SPSS, whatever.
With -logout-, you can capture and export almost anything that appears on 
your Stata screen, including the stuffs like summary, description, list, 
tabstat, tabulations, anova, etc. Yes, it will do -table-.
The default chewing method is space/tab delimited. The secondary method 
takes advantage of -infix- command to slice through files.
Smaller and more homogeneous files will have better outcomes, i.e. shouldn't
try a big file unless it's homogeneous. If it's hetero, cut files down to size.
* sum
sysuse auto, clear
logout, save(mystuff) excel word replace: sum, detail

* two-way tabulation
sysuse auto, clear
logout, clear: tab mpg foreign
logout, save(mytable) clear excel tex dta replace

* tabstat
sysuse auto, clear
logout, save(mytable) excel replace: tabstat price mpg rep78, stats(max p1 mean)

Use -clear- option to import them into the Stata memory. You can manipulate
them to your heart's content, and then export them.
You can use -caplog- command to capture log files. It needs to be TEXT
files, not smcl stuff.
It’s unfortunate that this needs to be said. Some people appear to be 
cavaliar/careless about other people’s contributions. They mimic syntax,
lift codes, in some cases duplicate entire programs, and yet fail to 
give credit to the original contributors. This is unprofessional.
I'm not talking about the small stuffs.
The problem with this type of behavior, making a career out of recycling
programs on ssc, is that it discourages original contributions from 
appearing. When I say original, I mean something that is not likely 
to have come from alternatve sources.
Why would anyone write an original program if they know ahead of time that
it will be immediately re-published under someone else's name without
due credit.
I am going to assume this was not the intended outcome.
Acknowledgements for Stata programs are traditionally included in the 
help file. These acknowledgements should be distributed along with the 
If someone is still not clear on this concept, they should take a good,
hard look at the help files that go with -outfixt- by Austin Nichols,
-mfx2- by Richard Williams, or -xml_tab- by Zurab S. and Michael L.
These are all good, useful programs written by professional people
who know what they are doing.
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