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st: How to change value based on string variable?

From   Mike Kim <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: How to change value based on string variable?
Date   Wed, 22 Apr 2009 11:04:39 -0500

Hi all,

My data include 50 countries. Sometimes I need to change some values in 
another variable based on country name. If I leave country names as string, 
the following does not work, for example.

replace revenue=100 if country==Australia

So, I usually change country names into numeric using "encode."

 label list country
           1 Argentina
           2 Aruba
           3 Australia
           4 Austria
           5 Bahrain

Then, I use the following code:

replace revenue=100 if country==3

However, if I drop or add some contries later Australia is no longer 3 and I 
have to go through my do file to correct every possible mistake which is 
frustrating. Is there any better way to do this job so that I can reduce 
errors in data management?

Thank you in advance.

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