Could somebody please point me to the reason why a bare model with dummy
variables does better in terms of the loglikelihood of the model than
the respective random intercept model?
The data structure is n=121 at the individual level, n=9 at the group
level. The number of cases at the group level varies between 4 and 23.
I'm using xtmixed for the hierarchical models specifying either mle or reml.
The ols dummies model gives a loglikelihood of -196, the hierarchical
model with reml gives -201 and the hierarchical model with mle gives a
loglikelihood of -215.
Thanks in advance,
Marcelo Jenny
Mag. Marcelo Jenny
Lehrstuhl f. Politische Wissenschaft III
Prof. Wolfgang C. Müller
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften
Universität Mannheim
Seminargebäude A5, Zi. 338
D-68131 Mannheim
Tel. +49/621/181-2077
Fax: +49/621/181-2080
Email: [email protected]
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