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st: denton module to interpolate annual series

From   kokootchke <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: denton module to interpolate annual series
Date   Wed, 29 Apr 2009 00:18:35 -0400

Hello everybody!

I have some annual data that I'd like to interpolate into quarterly frequency using the denton module by Kit Baum. I have two questions:

1. What does the indicator variable do exactly? For instance, I have exports in quarterly frequency and total debt service in annual frequency (both are flow variables). If I do something like:
denton debtservice, indicator(exports) gen(debtservice_q)
what am I doing exactly or what assumption lies behind this procedure? I read from the help window that my new debt service variable will follow the same "pattern" as my exports variable, but I don't understand very well what this means.

2. My other question has to do with using this same procedure for stock variables. For instance, take the stock of total external debt at year-end. I should be able to just take the difference of each stock for each quarter and obtain a flow series like this:
time extdebt extdebtflow1    20      .2    20      .3    20      .4    20      .5    30      106    30      107    30      108    30      109    28      -210   28      -2...
After getting these flows, then I run:
denton extdebtflow, indicator(exports) gen(extdebtflowq)
and to get the new quarterly external debt stock I basically want to add the original stock of ext debt at time 1 plus this new extdebtflowq at time 1 (call this sum x), and so the value of my new ext debt stock variable at time 2 would be x + extdebtflowq[1], and so on... is this right?
My problem is that right after this denton command, the generated extdebtflowq variable takes crazy values like 3.54e+232!!! So I don't think I'm doing the right thing...

Thanks a lot for your advice.

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