This works in Stata 10.1
webuse laborsup, clear
ivprobit fem_work fem_educ kids (other_inc = male_educ), two // , if
overid, all
. which overid
*! overid V2.0.5 07jul2008
*! Authors C F Baum, Vince Wiggins, Steve Stillman, Mark Schaffer
-set tr on- and report the error region, I would say...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rodrigo Briceño" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 12:10 AM
Subject: st: overid test
Dear stata listers. I'm running some IV models in stata 10. The
command used in a database of 300 thousand observations was:
set more off
ivprobit serving_6 estancia iprevio sex agef
ingreso_2 ingreso_3
(aseg = prov_2 prov_3 prov_4 prov_5 prov_6 prov_7
ecivil_2 ecivil_3 ecivil_4 ecivil_5 ecivil_6)
, twostep, if cr==1
overid, all
The IVprobit model runs very nice, but when I got the sentence about
overid, all (as it mentioned in the help file) nothing happens...I
tried running this sentence individually (not as part of the do-file),
but then the error "invalid syntax" appear. I though that the package
was not installed in Stata but it is installed, since I can see the
help and I also looked in ado folder and the file is there. What could
be possible happening here? I tried also using stata 9.2 but the same
error appeared.
Rodrigo Briceño
+506 22-91-12-00 ext. 113 Office
+506 22-32-08-30 Fax
[email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
SKYPE: rbriceno1087
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