Dear Statalist Users
I was trying to simulate a probit model with endogenous regressor and
increase the number of instruements to see how bias occurs due to
increased instruements. Following Dr. Maartin's example and the
Microeconometrics using Stata book I have created the following
program (which ofcourse I am not satisfied due to glaring mistakes). I
would greatly appreciate if you could give me some pointers and inputs
that could help me fix it.
global numobs 500 // sample size N
global numsims "1000" // number of simulations
set seed 123456789
capture program drop endoprob
program endoprob, rclass
version 10.1
drop _all
set obs $numobs
generate u = rnormal(0)
generate mu = rnormal(0)
generate x1 = rnormal(0)
generate z1 = rnormal(0) // 4 Instruements
generate z2 = rnormal(0)
generate z3 = rnormal(0)
generate z4 = rnormal(0)
generate a = 0.5*u
generate x2 = z1 + z2 + z3 + z4 + a
regress x2 = z1 z2 z3 z4 mu // endogenous
regressor with four instruments
//capture x2hat
generate y = 0.5 + 2*x1 + x2hat + mu + u //Reduced Form Equation
ivprobit y x1 x2hat
//Capture the betas and SD's
1. Well my first question is quite obvious how do I tell stata that my
y is a probit
2. How do I capture xhat2 so I can get my ivprobit to work?
3. From the MUS book I understood that _b captures the scalar beta
value but how can we capture the two parameters x1 and x2hat?
I would greatly appreciate your help in this regard
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