I am running a monte carlo simulation using the following program:
capture program drop olssim
program olssim, rclass
version 10.0
drop _all
set obs 100
generate e = invnorm(uniform())*2
generate x = uniform()*10
generate y = 1 + 0.5 * x + e
regress y x
return scalar b0 = _coef[_cons]
return scalar b1 = _coef[x]
simulate "olssim" b0 = r(b0) b1 = r(b1), reps(1000)
sum b0 b1, detail
The problem I am having is that each time I run the program I get a
slightly different result. I know this is because I have not set the
seed for the random number generator but I can't figure out how to set
the seed in this program.
Rudy Fichtenbaum
Professor of Economics
Chief Negotiator AAUP-WSU
Wright State University
Dayton, OH 45435-0001
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