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st: spmap: color only selected areas?

From   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: spmap: color only selected areas?
Date   Tue, 14 Apr 2009 17:11:59 +0200 (CEST)

I need to draw a map with different states and I want only some selected states 
to be colored. I tried to create a dummy which is =1 in those areas that need 
to be colored and use a Choropleth map but it didn't work. Any suggestions? 
Thanks everyone!

>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: [email protected]
>Data: 12/04/2009 19.35
>A: <[email protected]>
>Ogg: working with shapefiles converted into dta
>Hi everybody. 
>I have a dta database which contains the indication of latitude and 
>of, say, South American mineral ores. I have to find out in which country 
>South America each mineral ore is located. Now, I could look up each 
>point on google earth or something, but suppose I have a shapefile of 
>America which records also the boundaries of states, by means of latitude 
>longitude data. Is there any way I can use Stata to assign each data point 
>the country in which it falls? 
>I know I may go a little off topic since perhaps my issue can only be 
>addressed with a GIS software....

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