the documentation indeed includes sometyhing very close to what I want
to achieve. But I am not conversant in teX --- I am exporting to rtf.
Would you know what mgroups(A B, pattern(1 0 1 0)
prefix(\multicolumn{@span}{c}{) suffix(}) span
erepeat(\cmidrule(lr){@span})) alignment(D{.}{.}{-1}) page(dcolumn)
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. eststo: quietly reg weight mpg
(est1 stored)
. eststo: quietly reg weight mpg foreign
(est2 stored)
. eststo: quietly reg price weight mpg
(est3 stored)
. eststo: quietly reg price weight mpg foreign
(est4 stored)
. esttab using example.tex, booktabs label ///
mgroups(A B, pattern(1 0 1 0) ///
prefix(\multicolumn{@span}{c}{) suffix(}) ///
span erepeat(\cmidrule(lr){@span})) ///
alignment(D{.}{.}{-1}) page(dcolumn) nonumber
(output written to example.tex)
. eststo clear
Pierre Azoulay
Assistant Professor of Strategy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sloan School of Management
50 Memorial Drive — E52-555
Cambridge, MA 02142-1947
Tel [Sloan]: (617) 258-9766
Tel [NBER]: (617) 588-1464
Fax: (617) 253-2660
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