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RE: st: outreg2 with xtivreg

From   Roy Wada <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: outreg2 with xtivreg
Date   Sun, 12 Apr 2009 03:05:59 -0700

Yes, you can. The trick is to use e(sample) to make sure
you are using the same sample. Just remember that the 
first-stage must include all right-hand side variables,
including the instruments.
Incidently, this will work with -ivreg- as well.
** for random effects
sysuse auto, clear
xtivreg headroom (rep78=gear turn) trunk length, i(foreign) first
reg rep78 trunk length gear turn if e(sample)==1
outreg2 using myfile, replace
xtivreg (rep78=gear turn) headroom trunk length, i(foreign)
outreg2 using myfile, sortvar(rep78) see
*** for fixed effects
sysuse auto, clear
xtivreg headroom (rep78=gear turn) trunk length, i(foreign) first fe
xtreg rep78 trunk length gear turn if e(sample)==1, fe
outreg2 using myfile, replace
xtivreg (rep78=gear turn) headroom trunk length, i(foreign)
outreg2 using myfile, sortvar(rep78) see

> I am using outreg2 to import the results of stata. However, I have 
> noticed that outreg2 does not include the regressions from the first 
> estimation (reduced form with the instruments). It only presents the 
> main equation.
> I have tried the option onecol but it does not work either.
> Is there a solution to this?
> Thank you
> Ana
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