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st: RE: Ice invalid name error

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: Ice invalid name error
Date   Tue, 21 Apr 2009 11:45:28 +0100

-ice- is a user-written command, written up in the SJ and downloadable
from SSC. Please remember to say where user-written commands you refer
to come from, however little explanation they need for you, the poster. 

-ice- was written by Patrick Royston, who is not a member of Statalist.
Thus there is no chance of this registering unless the email is copied
to him directly, which I have just done. 

Both points of procedure are explicit in the Statalist FAQ. 


Fred Wolfe ( 

I want to report an -ice- error.

While running the following command:

   ice  haq* pain* glb* pcs* mcs*, saving(${sql}miclinical`run',
replace) noshow  seed(`seed')   cmd(regress) boot

I get the following error:

Warning: while I was executing the following command:
uvis regress pcs1 haq_disability1 haq_disability2 haq_disability3
haq_disability4 pain_scale1 pain_scale2 pain_scale3 pain_sc
> ale4 glb_severity1 glb_severity2 glb_severity3 glb_severity4 pcs2 pcs3
pcs4 mcs1 mcs2 mcs3 mcs4  if __000004, ///
( invalid name

This error disappears if I add -nowarn- to the -ice- command:

 ice  haq* pain* glb* pcs* mcs*, saving(${sql}miclinical`run',
replace) noshow  seed(`seed')   cmd(regress) boot nowarn

This suggest to me that there is a programming problem in -ice- in
displaying the warning message.

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