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st: Coding question: transactions panel dataset

From   Marcus Casey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Coding question: transactions panel dataset
Date   Fri, 24 Apr 2009 13:46:41 -0400


I have a question about an efficient coding scheme to calculate the  
types of transactions over time in an unbalanced panel and
would appreciate a little help here.

My dataset has the following structure:

id 	year 	tract		price 	white	 black 	hispanic
1      1997	1		123		1		0		0
1	2000	1		145         0              1             0
2	1998	1		230         0              1             0
2	2001	1		236         0		1		0
2	2006	1		300		0		0		1
3	2002	3		250		1		0		0
3	2006	3		275		1		0		0
4	1998	2		235		0		0		1	
4	2002	2		220		1		0		0			
4	2006	2		245		0		1		0

I would code the following quantities for each id and,

(1) a separate indicator for each transaction that labels whether it  
is white-white, white-black, black-white, hisp-white, etc. and  
temporal ordering.

(2) the difference in transaction price for each type of transaction  
described above.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can give me with this  


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